White Privilege: A Real World Example

in #politics7 years ago


Real World Examples

When I wrote about White Privilege yesterday, it occurred to me after posting that a follow up with some real world examples would probably be useful in illustrating the concept and pointing out what I mean when I call upon people "to make small day to day changes to address privilege and increase equity".

And my Facebook feed today provided me with a great example: Bearing Arms while White vs Bearing Arms while Black


In the picture above we see a Police Officer, using non-threatening body language and his words to try and calm a White protestor with his hand on his gun at the ready. Notice the officer's hands. Nowhere near his gun, nowhere near his taser, nowhere near his pepper spray. This is a clear example of deescalating the situation.

Which is exactly what the Officer should be doing. Kudos to him.

But try for a moment to imagin the angry man with his hand on his gun was Black and wearing clothes we typically associate with the Urban poor rather than White and wearing clothes we typically associate with the Rural poor. How do you imagin this playing out?

Well we cannot say for sure, every situation is different, but we can take a well educated guess at what is most likely to have happened. The simple fact is that in all likelihood the Police would have whipped out their guns and shot dead a black man who made even the slightest motion towards a gun at his hip. How often are Black men shot by cops who motion towards a pocket which might contain a weapon, let alone an openly displayed on such as this man is wearing?

In fact, isn't it most likely that officers would have approached a hostile Black man open carrying a side arm with their guns already at the ready? Yes, of course it is.

And this is far from the first or only time we've seen such things. The video below is of an experiment conducted to test the reaction by police to a White Man legally open carrying an Assault Rifle versus a Black man doing the same. The White man is approach by and Officer who discusses the legality of open carry calmly and lets the man go about his day. The Black man is approach by an Officer with his gun drawn shouting "Down on the ground!" and arrested without any questions, conversation, or any benefit of the doubt from the Police that he was a acting within his legal rights.

Similar stories have been reported all over the country of Black men open carrying guns and having the police called on them, police who acted in an aggressive matter.

So here we have an example of White Privilege. A White person is safer and more able to open carry unharassed in this country, is more likely to be given the benefit of the doubt by the police, more likely to be approached in a passive way, and less likely to be harmed by police overreaction.

So then what needs to happen? What is the course of action that would help offset the privilege? Well it's simple. The way that the officers in both the picture and the video above treated the White man with the gun, Officers needs to treat Black men with guns that way as well.

It should not be that hard to recognize the problem here, acknowledge the need for a change in behavoir, and act on it.


Do you think there is any disparity between the way Officers treat armed Black men versus armed White men? Chime in on the comments section. Follow if you enjoy such discussions.


Insightful and a great read.

Although I definitely agree there is a problem with how the officers reacted to the black man legally open carrying, it appears that they were completely different departments in addition to the fact the white person was carrying his fully on his back the the black person was carrying his more towards the side. Again, completely agree there is a problem, but I would like it if there were fewer variables in that video. The only difference should be race. Outside of that though, very good content. Eye opening and respectful at the same time.

I don't think most people out there are like...how should I say this....deliberatly malicious or racist. There are some, sure. We all have that really racist co-worker or family member who says they'd shoot a towelhead if they got a chance or that Obama is a nigger that should hang, that kind of really sinister hateful stuff, but that's not most people. Most people are well intentioned, but can't help but absorb the culture and the ideas they were raised in. A white guy walking around with a rifle is nothing too weird, you saw your dad and brother and uncle walking around with guns all the time. But a Black man walking around with a gun is threatening, is a danger, is something to be concerned about, cause you probably didn't know that many black people growing up, you sure as hell never went out hunting or shooting with them, and your only frame of reference for a black man with a gun is a criminal context.

It's all about trying to be aware of these ingrained ideas, these harmful mental models, and to be self aware and self disciplined enough to not act on them.

Totally agreed... I think a lot of cops get off on the power they have over people. I'm not a fan of police at all... they have all of the short comings of humanity in general (that we all have), but elevated to a higher level of authority in society. It's a recipe for disaster. All of the subconscious biases that humans have come to bear in really nasty ways in these scenarios, as is evidenced by the terrible conditions of being a black male in the United States in 2017.

It really bugs me when a trained officer, someone who's very livelihood is handling tense dangerous situations, can looe their shit and pop off and kill a man reaching for his wallet or something, and that's just part of the job and an unfortunate mistake, but untrained, unspecialized, average citizens are expected to keep calm and speak politely and Descalate and make sure their hands are visible and that they don't get aggressive and don't do anything wrong....

It's just an utterly garbage standard of interaction. It makes me sick.

The majority always ruins it for the minority, right? :)

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