Trump supporters make me feel Uncomfortable and I think I know why.

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

I was at work yesterday and to my surprise, by the time I got off there was a Trump Rally outside of the building. Now I work in Coral Springs, Florida and the building is owned by Bank of America so I guess it was held by them. On my last break of the day I went outside to have a smoke and once I got downstairs an elderly couple meet me at the entrance. Looked like they were about 65 years old with Trump gear on head to toe. When the older man looked at me he growled and his wife rolled her eyes at me for no solid reason. I had on a shirt and tie, dress pants and a pair of brown Aldo's but that clearly wasn't the reason the gave me such a bad vibe because I was cleaner that a bottle of bleach. It was obvious that they were racist because I never seen them before in my entire life. But wait it bets better, while I was outside I noticed that that parking lot was mighty full for that time of day and people were putting up Trump signs everywhere and most of the cars in the parking lot had Trump flags and bumper stickers. I had an overwhelming feeling that I was going to get into a confrontation with someone or thought that someone was going to verbally attack me out of the blue. When my break was over I went back inside and walked towards the elevator but it was about 6 people standing inside, about to go up and they all were going to a rally upstairs. I hesitated to get on because the small elevator cant fit more than 5 people comfortably. But what really got under my skin was that when I hesitated to enter one of the people said" Whats wrong? you scared to get on an elevator with a whole bunch of Trump supporters?" and everyone on the elevator started laughing as the doors closed to go up. I didn't think that his comment was funny and actually felt quite offended. 

Man every since this whole Trump movement I have felt tension in every setting I have been to. Even the grocery store trips are different. My wife was even called the N word by a trump supporter for no clear reason while waiting in the lobby at a tattoo shop. Look I don't waste my time on racism and my parents didn't raise me to judge a person by there color. My wife and I are hard working Americans and did not deserve to be treated like we are in the 1960s. I dont raise my kids to pay attention to what color a person is to be there friend or to judge an individual by how they look. When I had my first baby girl, I didnt just by African American baby dolls. I bought baby dolls of different skin colors to show her that color doesn't matter, its still a baby doll. Yesterday disgusted me and I just wish that his campaign didnt promote inequality. 

All this hate is ruining America. Check out this video from yesterday


The Brexit vote in England has also emboldened these awful people. The other day a friend of mine was at a concert given by a world class pianist from eastern Europe. At the end an older lady came up to the pianist, congratulated him on his recital and then asked "when are you going back? We won you see". It's very disappointing to see someone old enough to remember the turmoil of WW2 trying to bring back those times. I hope we can turn the tide against this hatred

Its sad. It really is.

I wonder if you could indulge my opinion for a moment? The couple outside gave you a dirty look, because you were smoking, I used to be a smoker and got dirty looks all the time. I'm white and the dirty looks came from white people. On the elevator another way to look at that situation is that the media has demonized us, called us horrible things, many Trump supporters are sick of it and are to the point where they feel defensive now. We have been attacked at our rallies and our cars vandalized by paid protesters and the behavior has been encouraged by the media. I'm not racist, I'm just concerned about the path we are going down. Politicians have made a great deal of money selling us out, we believe that Trump can change that. I agree racism exists and honestly it always will, the KKK is allowed to operate in this country just like Malcom X's movement. I think seeing those movement helps the majority of Americans recognize there is a better way. This is a rough election and like every presidential election the Democrat party has stirred up racism and hatred once more. It's how they scare African Americans into voting for them (fear is a powerful persuasion tactic). We can survive it though, because most of us just want to have a good job, enjoy our days off and love our family. We are all America, we may have differences of opinion, but what made America special was differences in opinion were encourage so that we could come up with the best solutions.

I wasn't smoking when they saw me. I simply opened the door and headed outside and thats when they say me. I didn't even have anything in my hand yet, I was walking to the smoking area. But I understand your statement and to be honest, it makes me not want to participate in anything because hate seems to be the motivation.

that's really concerning, well I can speak at least for myself when I say I want to Make this country great for everyone. The issues in our inner cities deeply concern me, when African Americans look to sports as their only chance to succeed there is something terribly wrong. I voted for Trump, because the current politicians all seem to be the same. I want something new and different. I really hoped Obama was going to do more to address division, I was pretty disappointed when he just went with the status quo, really upset me. Obama was really the last straw for me with politicians, I'll never support a career politician again.

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