
Johnson built up his own very successful company from scratch, so he certainly must have some kind of intelligence (more so than Donald Trump, anyway, who simply inherited his company). I'll leave it to the voters to decide whether it's the kind of intelligence best suited for the presidency.

Hes a triathlete you forgot to mention that he also climb mt everest. He says he didnt know what Aleppo was and neither did alot of people, but your going to judge a man by one mistake? Yet, the other two parties can do no wrong? I couldnt even finish the

its hard to critique a video when the poster isnt making rational arguments, is resorting to insults & personal attacks... & goes on for 30mins talking about essentially nothing... i didnt watch the whole video but the first 5 mins put me off listening to the rest as i couldnt see any rational arguments against libertarianism or libertarians existing... as for johnson, hes a statist so really isnt a consistent libertarian at all

if you want to understand libertarianism, find stuff by bastiat, rothbard, mises or more modern writters like larken rose

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