Philippine Barangay Elections 2K18

in #politics6 years ago

2018 Philippine Barangay Election is Coming!

THE upcoming barangay election is fast approaching. We will once again vote for a new set of leaders who would serve our respective barangays. Others may not take it too seriously, but in reality, it is a big and game-changing task that needs critical thinking. A barangay is the smallest unit of society but having a good or bad barangay officials would create a big impact and a huge difference on our individual lives. It's not something that we should take lightly but rather with due attention and proper research.

Political dynasty is something that is very common in politics. Personally, I don't think it's entirely a bad idea especially if a certain family of politicians has a clean track record and credibility and has a clear goal for the society. But that rarely happens. So, if you think that a family of politicians is monopolizing your barangay for their own benefit and are just after the wealth and money, then it's time to make some huge and relevant changes. Don't be afraid to vote a new and lesser known candidate as long as you've done your reasearch and you found him or her trustworthy and capable of handling the position. Sometimes, new faces are the ones who changes a broken system.

Do NOT ever get tempted by money. Some political candidates would offer you a certain amount in exchange for your vote. That is cheating. That alone should be a reason enough for you to NOT vote that candidate. If he's already capable of cheating during the campaign period, how much more if he's already in the office? Be careful of these type of candidates. Most likely, they are the ones who only cares for their political ambitions and are not after the interest of normal citizens like us. Don't let a certain amount, however big it is, ruin the future of our society.

Listen carefully to their platforms and then ask yourself if they're really achievable. Some candidates tend to exaggerate and will tell you things that you want to hear. But these are just words and promises that they can easily discard once they're elected for the position they're vying for. Do not be fooled by their flowery statements because most of them can only be a bunch of lies. I am not trying to spread negativity but that is a reality that we cannot deny.

So, this coming barangay election, go to the polling place and cast your vote wisely. You might think that your individual vote is irrelevant but that is not true. A single vote, if done wisely and properly, can change the future of our society.

Think and think and think.

Be smart.

Be responsible.

Start the change.

Photocredit : 1 2 3


I know more about witnesses and what they do as compared to my local candidates.

To be honest I want to know more because I believe that voting for your local candidates is a responsibility of everyone but just by comparing their Platforms, accomplishments which are often overblown and any news of abused often leaves me with I should vote for the lesser evil.

Even national elections tend to become like this.

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