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RE: This isn’t about impeaching Trump, it’s about silencing us

in #politics6 years ago

howdy there sunlit7! hey I don't understand the whole impeachment thing, I mean I know they want to but then they'd have someone who could actually work with people without causing strife everyday, I mean Pence could actually get more done that the liberals hate so you'd think they would be afraid of that.
what do you think about Pence? I think he's be a nightmare for the libs.


I am a Trump supporter. Seeing how he's becoming probably the most hated man in America that support has only grown. I admire the fact that he could have chosen to continue to live a lavish lifestyle among the rich and famous but decided to go to bat for America. Of course the globalist elitist establishment is going to hate him, they had a agenda and that was to turn a large percentage of Americans into low wage third world style slave labor to compete on the world market. It's not easy to get a movement rolling and I wish him all the luck combating those elitist b-tards. I think Pence does a good job behind the scenes for the president, he may actually be running the show with Trump as a up front distraction...who knows, right? It would be pretty clever if that's the strategy. I don't hear a lot from or about him to give a fair enough answer if I think he'd be a good president, compared to Trump though I think he would have folded under the pressures applied to Trump by now.

howdy again sunlit7! that's for your reply! yes well I agree and say amen! yes come to think of it we haven't heard anything about Pence for months, or at least I haven't but I think he'd be able to work with everyone and the dems would hate him as well. well they hate everybody it seems!

That's just the problem if you ask me, successful working together means agreeing to the same old, same old agenda. You have to have someone willing to buck the system to force change.

howdy again sunlit7! hey I so agree and I think it can be done and alot IS being done so it's interesting to watch, the midterms will be interesting as well!

I think you are spot on, I think the mid terms are going to tell us a lot about the direction that people want to move....on the other hand though you have to think about where positions get turned if they get turned. A republican in a majority blue state may not stand a chance against all the anger democrats seemed to be filled with, that could be the motivating factor that pushes that margin who usually don't vote to vote...but we will see.

yes Ma'am sunlit7..I doubt if there has ever been such hatred among the dems, at least I haven't seen it. Even worse the W. and they hated him with a passion as you know. Even Ted Cruise here in Texas is neck and neck with his liberal opponent and may lose his seat, that's getting serious if that can happen!

Yeah I wasn't a W. fan by no means, if you talk about a stolen election he definitely managed that in my opinion. It's really hard now considering how the media sold the guaranteed Hillary win to believe if people are neck in neck or just plain being sold what the media wants to wish will be true. Texas is tough, pretty hard to beat them, though some on other blogs are saying it's starting to turn into a bastion of liberals who have moved out of California.

oh yes Ma'am I've done two posts about that subject of Texas going liberal, we've already lost the bigger cities. over 1,000 people per day are moving to Texas with the largest percentage coming from California and the next largest numbers coming from New York!

Plus there are several billionaires, liberals, who are spending millions to help bring in liberals from other states and funding liberal candidates from the smallest bodies of government up to the state level.

They figure that if they can turn Texas blue and take her down, then the rest of the states will fall easily. from what I can tell Texas is already lost except in the rural areas like where I am, it's just a matter of time because we already see it turning like with the Ted Cruise situation.

It's very sad.

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