Don't be afraid of "stupid"

in #politics8 years ago

IQ is all the rage recently, with graphs and Bell curves. Where am I? in the front, middle or the back of the pack?

A lot of people believe that low IQ humans are not able to understand some things, that they can't change or react in a logical manner to the challenges of the modern world. A lot of correlations, negative correlations are tied up with low IQ people in the range of 70-90 points. This correlations are true, higher crime rates, physical abuse, substance abuse, poor life choices and lack of foresight. The question is though, is it because of their low IQ or is it something else?

I look at IQ as a measure of one's "brain resolution".

If you have a low score it doesn't mean you are unable to see the whole picture, it's just a low resolution picture, all the stuff is there but you don't get the details, the nuances, only the big things.

high low iq

There is no problem for all people to hold good and true ideas inside their brain. To respect property rights, to respect persons or to be kind and work in a productive manner. Yet there are a lot more people with low IQ that are violent, destructive and dangerous. Or are they?

I will propose a theory, I don't have a well reasoned case here, but as a thought. What if the difference is not so big between low and high IQ, in terms of crime rates. Crime rates are calculated from the number of people that are convicted in the law courts. No one knows the actual demographics of all criminals, the ones that are not caught could be anyone.

Let's not forget that the most intelligent criminals are not seen as criminals at all.

So my theory is that usually criminals with low IQ are more likely to get caught by the police than high IQ people. They don't know how to cover their track as well, they don't have the "resolution" needed to understand all the implications. While I still think a difference will exist, because IQ is linked with self control and that would mean a stronger will to resist impulses.
You are less likely to kill a man when you are extremely angry, as a high IQ person because of your brain self control that inhibits the primal desire to attack.

Now the individual with low IQ can be a wonderful human being, if he is raised in a peaceful environment and he receives clear instructions about the world. Clear principles, easy to understand and apply.

The first mistake we make as a society is to put all this people in the same place. All the violence inherited form parents and grandparents, all the bad habits, confusion, lack of structure and control in one place. No other model, not a bright man or woman to influence them, to change the culture in a better direction. Think about this, if you could snap your fingers and change a low IQ community culture, what would happen? I believe that they will behave as the new culture dictates. No one can do this sadly, yet we can provide a frame work, with clear steps, to let them choose a better path for them and their kids.

We should accept the fact that some people should be followers, and some, should be leaders, not in the state sense, but in the true sense, that there should be no guilt or shame for not being able to be a leader, or a follower for that matter. We should understand that this parts are essential for a working society.

Let's look at it this way. You have a smart ass IQ 160 at the top. His brain is a power house of infinite connections and he comes up with new and groundbreaking ideas. Working with him are IQ 140 that implement the big parts of the system through which the big idea can be implemented in reality. (they could do the work of the IQ 160 but slightly worse if this individuals have the same work ethic) With this people work IQ 110-130 to brake the problems down to manageable chunks. Lower IQ 90-109 could get simpler jobs with smaller problems and more routine. under IQ 90 you can have cleaning, transporting, and other simple jobs. In this web of relations everyone does the best work they can do at their level of comprehension. The janitor IQ 80 must be happy when Elon Musk IQ 160 makes a breakthrough, his success adds to his, not subtracts from it. Also his work is important to the whole organisation, if you don't clean, no work can get done at the other levels.

This stigma on low skill jobs should end, I don't understand why you look down on someone for doing his best at his work, whatever it is.

There are a lot of other factors besides IQ, so society will not be structured only based on IQ. There are lazy IQ 160 that see the path but don't walk on it, and IQ 90 that try day by day to reach the best possible outcome. This is to say, having a high IQ should not make you arrogant. If you buy a I7 processor computer and you keep it in the box, it's useless, you can show it to your friends, they will envy you but the guy next door will make good use of his i3 and leave you in the dust.


hey, wondering why you flagged my last post. it was pictures i took of the city i live in. I broke no rules. wtf bro....

I saw a lot of similar accounts (same name different letters at the end). I thought it was some kind of abuse, multiple accounts voting.

If It wasn't the case I am sorry!

I tried to defalg, doesn't seem to work..

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