Popular delusions: Today, fixing democracy and money in politics

in #politics8 years ago

What can one say of good ol’ fans of unfettered democracy? ...you can't live with em... I am not talking about Churchill-like or necessary evil views. No no. It's the ones that think democracy is good in itself, for some reason. The ones for which appeal to majority is not a logical fallacy, but an unbeatable argument. They love democracy don't they. You all met one

They love it to bits whenever they are in the 51 percent who win. The moment the little hypocrites end up in the 49 percent, they start discovering flaws. And, by George, they know how to fix it.

Now for me the basic flaw of democracy can be expressed quite simply. You don't get to vote how i live my life and I don’t get to vote how you live yours. You may offer a suggestion and I can agree or not. In fact I can tell you to take you suggestion and shove it, if I so choose. That's the beauty of suggestions, as opposed to orders. The fix democracy would be to simply put very clear limits upon the scope of democracy.

This is a big nono for most democracy lovers. Limits would mean they don't get to force their views on others when they are in the 51%. And forcing their views on other makes them positively gleeful. So their standard fix would be to make sure they don't end up in the 49 percent. That their views get voted. That their idea of democracy - everything they like nothing they don't - shines through.

Woah wait a minute, you will say. Isn’t the point of democracy people choosing what they wish? Well obviously no. It’s only when people choose right that counts. Wait, what is right? Whatever I think it is. Oh, OK, makes sense I guess.

In this respect, Brexit was, if nothing else, highly educational. A lot of great lovers of democracy discovered that it is like so broken. The disdain they showed for what people chose is nothing short of spectacular. They started to speak against referendums - democracy at its finest - and about how democracy really should be choosing one of two previously approved candidates, usually indistinguishable members of the status quo.

"You tell me whar a man gits his corn pone, en I'll tell you what his 'pinions is." Mark Twain

So they must fix democracy. And fix it they will. And what is the big one? Money in politics. Get money out of politics they will all scream. Stupid right? Not to them it's not.

The more government taxes and spends and regulates, the more it decides the flow of money in a country. And so the government picks winners and losers. In a sense politics is money. How can you take money out of politics without greatly reducing tax and spend?


Oh they will tell you! Campaign finance reform! Wait that's it? Campaign finance? That is but a fragment of money in politics and not a very big one. All sorts of rules against campaign money exist in many a country, and still democracy does not seem to work any better.

What about politicians who become consultants after giving favors to people? O give speeches for tens of millions wink wink. Or their kids get cushy jobs? Or getting to use a friends yacht or house? Or good old fashioned bags of money? When politicians decide who profits, they will be bought. Because they are power hungry individuals of low morals. Power not only corrupts, but it attracts the ones prone to corruption.

And while we talk money in politics let's address the elephant in the room (no, not Michael Moore). Left wing politics is literally vote for me and i give you money. If i give you my money, well that's wrong you see, but promising other people's money is just hunky dory. Nothing takes money out of politics like your entire platform being vote for me and I give you money. Higher pensions, more welfare, free college or free daycare can be simply translated to vote for me and I give you money.

One more question: how can a person whose entire income comes from government be and active full participant in any democratic process? Do you think they analyze the policies involved, or vote for more money?

I will leave you once more with the P. J O’rourke quote: "When buying and selling are controlled by legislation, the first things to be bought and sold are legislators,"

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