Let’s talk Trump: lessons learnedsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #politics7 years ago

I want to talk about Trump a bit. Well like is not the right word, in a better world I would not utter a word about the guy. Alas, here we all are. So I will talk Trump because why not, and everyone is doing it. I did not do it at the one year anniversary of The Win because it was too crowded. I won’t make some big, elaborate post, because I don’t feel like doing it to be honest. Just a short thought.

In the company that provides me gainful employment, after a complex project there are sessions called lessons learned. What went well, what not, what could have been better and how we can make the next project better. While I am not the biggest fan of big corporations, we could apply some things to government. Like independent auditing and lesson learned.

So what are the lessons that were learned from ol’ Trumpy? For the American people mostly, because that is where it matters most. Well fine steemian, after extensive investigations I can tell you what they learned: Not a damn thing. It is truly amazing, especially from Le Resistance on the left. Then again, to be fair, I did not expect them to learn anything. They would not be lefties otherwise.

I began blogging on steemit, beyond the introductions, by making the libertarian case for Trump. My tongue was rather in my check with that one. But I did try to put in a bit of the old truth. I wrote

That outcome is this: a larger number Americans (yes I know there are non-US “Americans”, but I refer to U.S citizens here) could gain a healthy and very necessary distrust of executive power.
Most democrats, for example, during the Obama administration, kept complaining how the Great Leader was obstructed and could not do all that He wanted, and often asked for more power unto Him. This was very strange given how much they complained about ol’ George just before that. It, somehow, never occurred to them to ask: do we want more power for the president and risk another Bush, or hell, someone even worse occupying the White House?
Maybe they realize the risk is so great, they will take it easier with the power trip when the “Good Guy” gets into office. Maybe pigs soar to the sky. But still, best chance of this.

So what was the outcome? Did the left back down any jot on government power? No. Not in the slightest. They just started to dream how Trump would mean an elusive permanent majority for the left in the future. They dream of changing demographics, culture change, and culture war. Whatever. But a sensible restriction to executive power? Not on the radar. They keep asking for more. The culture war may not go their way as much as they expect.

It was fun seeing the left defend the CIA and FBI so much these days, although they behaved rather like all powerful unaccountable security apparatus they are.

So here we are. A president they say is basically Hitler and they want more executive power. Besides the hyperbole, if you think that is true, you want more power for Hitler? Are you insane? Or so drunk with the idea of the impossible Utopia you think you can bring about if you had all that unlimited power, because you are great and would not be corrupt at all.

Sorry to my left friends, but a good part of your side have you not one ounce of self-awareness. And the lessons of Trump continue to go unlearned.

As usual, images googled and such.


give it to the 8:05 mark to see if you want to go the whole way... I welcome your appraisal. Thanks.

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