Can we please stop saying "There Oughta Be a Law!!"?

in #politics7 years ago

"Why have we still not passed a law that parents can't smoke with their children in the car?", Kids deserve to have functioning lungs as an adult if they so choose. This was a post from a friend on FB.

Where do I even start with this non-sense? Well first, I guess, laws don't stop people from doing things. Second, what's stopping the parents from smoking in the home with their kids? Or anywhere besides the car for that matter? Should it be illegal to smoke in public where the second hand smoke might blow towards kids?

If we follow this logic, some might say "Why have we not passed a law that parents can't feed their kids fast food 7 days a week?" "Why have we not passed a law that parents can't let their kids watch TV more than 3 hours a day?" I could go on, and on, and on, and on.....

There are plenty of bad and dumb things people do that have absolutely ZERO effect on my life or yours. Begging mommy and daddy government to step in and (*try to) stop bad behaviors that YOU don't like is preposterous.

Please stop asking government to implement laws that are nothing more than what you disagree with. If you are not effected, it is none of your damn business. Quit telling people how to live their lives and for heavens sake stop asking government to do it for you.

imgs from google


For every law created, a new criminal. Often times, these "criminals" are perpetrators of crimes whose only victims are those who committed them. We call them "Victimless" but that ignores the plight of the affected.

To paraphrase Alan Watts: 'To ask the government to enforce "morality" is to make the police Armed agents in service of the church.' That is a very frightening prospect.

Nice input. Gov't and morality are like oil and water. Had to read up on Watts as I hadn't heard of him, interesting guy and quite the road he travelled. I really liked some of his quotes.

Indeed! He was an incredible thinker. I've been listening to his lectures on youtube while I work on other things. I keep wishing I could find contemporary figures akin to him. Any ideas?

That's a tough one man. I don't know many influential people who are akin to a priest being married three times and eventually becoming a Buddhist essentially, ha.

The closest guy I can think of is Edward Abbey. Author, environmentalist, and believer in anarchist principles. He's got some really great quotes too!

I haven't heard of him. Thanks!

Lol, I really just meant, people who understand the uses of psychedelics, are thoughtful philosophers and aren't really keen on upholding the status quo.

I would have thought in the age of the internet people like Alan Watts, Robert Anton Wilson, and others would have thrived, but they seem to be hiding in the woodwork if they are out there.

Heh, I'm about 30 seconds in and for some reason, Hunter S. Thompson comes to mind.

Ha, yeah, I can see the similarities. Hunter was probably a little more out there than Edward. But I can see it.

Lol, for sure. Hunter was way farther out there. However, hearing E.A. talking, his voice and his delivery all reminded me of HST.
I am going to have to pick up some of his books.

Stopped a long time ago.

Good for you! Now convince everyone you know to do the same ;)

"Should that be allowed on steemit?" is one of my favorites.
In my socialist country of birth and residency (Canada) we have a state-funded multimedia empire (The CBC) which has noon-hour and sunday supper-hour phone in radio shows. Almost every question posed by the hosts is some variation on the question "should this.... ?"
It is really starting to get to me that people can't recognize that they have given their rights away.
In the UK, people are told the best way to deal with a terrorist attacking them is to RUN AWAY. This is because it is completely illegal to even have a knife in your pocket.
There ought to be a law against making these kind of laws.

ha! Yeah, I saw an @adamkokesh video the other week where he interviewed a guy who was against guns. The guy said that if someone broke into your house, instead of shooting him, you should jump out the window! What kinda looney bins are walking the streets these days?! Live and let live. If some people weren't so concerned over how others lived, we might be able to have that ideal some day.

Where about in Canada are ya?

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