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RE: The Truth About The Sen. Bob Menendez Corruption Trial

in #politics7 years ago

curated for #informationwar
justification - when the mainstream news fails to cover a story involving the corruption of a sitting US Senator, and a member of the political party that industry has aligned itself with (see the Wikileaks DNC emails), it is clearly a case of Information War waged against Americans.

We'd like to invite you to check the tag out, and apply it for your posts in the future that may apply. Thanks for the excellent breakdown of this story!


I thought InformationWar was all about Facts;

Fact Nr 1:

US Government is not Owed to Americans, in fact it's owed ENTIRELY to US Citizens and Federal Agents. No Nation of the American Union allows for Dual Citizenship, and as such the US Government and any other citizenship outside that of Texan, Ohioan, is Foreign to the Land Jurisdiction of the Organic States.

Fact Nr 2:

US Government and Mainstream News are both employed by the same Thuggery, to imply that they are separate, or that they are in deed Two Different Things, when they are Exactly the mouth (mainstream) of an entity (IMF/Banks/Vatican) of which The US Government is only a Limb.

Fact Nr 3:

The US Government has been at actual WAR against Americans for over 150 years. The Civil was was never Declared, and there was never a Treaty Of Peace to mark it's conclusion, while the Federal Government has given itself Emergency Powers to the effect that they have performatively declared war against us then and there and wiped their ass with any lawful contract that they had with the American People.

The article above is prime example of this chicanery:

We are to believe that the US Government has any legitimacy, insofar as carrying out Law. It is not, it's a Private, Foreign, mostly Foreign ran Corporation who's been involved in Inland Piracy and Fraud for over 150 years while bankrupting 3 successors to the original contract with the colonies.

bahhhhh only shows up on criticism of the democong - he's a democong infowar op

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