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RE: Illegal Immigration & The Garden of Eden

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

All that you write is just a small portion of what's really going on in US . Here in Europe we see maybe better picture that you guys in States . A number of documentaries in past few years showing problems in border states . Customs officers struggle to find them all , Police chasing drug smugglers ....But after that you see hundreds of Mexicans working on green salat fields . Why those landlords employing them ? Why not Americans ?


I think for those across the pond from us, Europe, are experiencing so many more issues with illegal immigrants.. I feel really bad for Europe. I think it's more of a 5th column invasion into your countries than anything. The people coming in are not families, they are young men mostly... I hope Europe can get a grip on the flood, I read recently about how George Soro's is behind this flood into Europe hoping to destabilize and cause war.

Problem is massive , in Sweden is a chaos ( check youtube ) , where i have lived problems with solo players all day long . Few families you can see , maybe , rest of them god knows from where they come . They burn cars , throw bricks to police , without any normal cause . They have apartments , they receive money ( around i think 8000 SEK - 800 EUR , they want LCD's , they want more money . They move in packs like wolves , usually 5-10 in groups , fcn around with people bad language to girls ....And they don't want to work . I have never seen people like that .

It is horrible!! A tragedy.. and yes.. they hate women.. and are there for one reason only.. to cause chaos. That is after all, what the 'Religion of Peace' is all about.. chaos. I feel bad for you.. I have kept up to date with what is happening Sweden and it's a travesty!

Sweden has a problem with fertility , less and less domestic population is born . So Sweden has a program ( not official , it's talked mouth to mouth ) to grow population . You see , 98 % of Sweden is uninhabited so they need a lot of people . And these people have unmatched birth rate , 8 kids per family !!! In following 10-30 years Sweden will make of them working class . Believe me they will . Thru schools , thru sports they will comply with laws and system . Now it is a problem but government will handle that . In a time to come .

Yes.. but.. Iggy.. in 10-30 years.. Sweden will be ruled by Islamic powers.. and not swedish. They will take over your country.

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