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RE: Brett Kavanaugh Testimony: Final Thoughts

in #politics6 years ago

There needs to be pushback against this madness... just accusation cannot be taken as proof of guilt. False accusations must be punished severely... I would let police or FBI to investigate this and if they do not find anything supporting Ford's claim or something to prove it was false I would send her to prison for at least 10 years of hard time. Too much is too much.


Indeed, muddying the waters in that way would be the sickest kind of thing. Even beyond what it does to the falsely accused, they literally are creating "rape culture". To whatever extent people become conditioned and used to there being fake claims, it has the #unintended-consequence of putting a grain of salt or murkiness around similar claims, and by taking the zing out of it you provide some sanctuary to real rapists.

Even if it really happened, acting on allegation without evidence when there's such obvious incentive to smear someone.... is just insane.

I haven't been following too closely but I predict he's eventually confirmed and the gullible goons stomp their feet about a rapist in the Supreme Court into perpetuity.

Yes they are conditioning people to not trust survivors of real sexual assaults who remember when and where it happened and who was there and they confirm it really happened... unlike in this case. It is same as left calling everyone a nazi or fascist. It used to be very serious thing to call someone a nazi 10 years ago... now it is like "whatever" and real nazis, real national socialists are being legitimized by that because if you, your mom, cashier in grocery store or a milk man are nazis, nazis cant be that bad right?

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