Biden Proves His INSANITY and HATRED for the People of America in One Fell Swoop!!

in #politics7 years ago

I'm Brian, the owner and creator of the YouTube Channel HighImpactFlix and the HighImpactFlix Facebook page. My aim is to create useful, relevant, exciting and engaging content that will inform and IMPACT those who take the time to view it. Bottom line: I strive to make it worth your while to check out my videos!

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Hey sir you are really doing great I do believe that you gona have great journey.

In your face content is a great concept, certainly put together a good video, but this doesn't people together politically or really address any issue in a substantive construct manor. It just demonizes Joe Biden, which sure if you don't like Joe Biden then lets talk about that and his whole track record.

What do you suggest? Seems like the substantive construct, came by way of practical examples of where such proposed legislation is an utter failure while the exact opposite is what proves to be much more efficient and effective. (i.e., leaving private individuals alone and free to protect themselves by ANY MEANS they see fit.) There is no politics involved, I don't think, when you're about to get your head blown off in aisle 5 of the grocery store because you were unarmed. But I'd like to hear your ideas.

I agree that you do present compelling examples and narrative through the video clips. It is not jumbled. Each sets up or answers and question and gives an example in the next clip about why guns can save lives, why gun control is bad, but it's cheery picked. Of course gun control is going to look bad in that light. You could just as easily make a equally compelling video about how gun control is great.
There are examples of when gun control works Ie: every other nation on earth, (do I think it is realistic to follow their models completely, no), but the United States can bring about more substantial gun control without infringing too much on peoples rights.
It starts with enforcement of laws already on the books that prevent criminals and others who are not suppose to posses guns, from purchasing them. There isn't even a centralized data base for that and many of the laws/ reporting measures are loosely enforced. There also needs to be more stringent laws about mentally ill and gun possession. I think there needs to be a ban on bump stocks, and high capacity clips. Now suppressors are even in the remedial legislative process of being legalized. What will kill more people. A semi auto assault rifle? or a pistol? A semi auto rifle, or a fully auto rifle with a suppressor and high cap clip? I really don't know what should be the balance of control vs free carry laws. I know for sure though that bad people will use what is easily available to them and that our obsession and relaxed laws with guns has directly lead to increased mass shootings and shooting in general.

Fuck Joe Biden! He's a creepy child touching price of shit!

The USA corporation is a criminal organization operating under maritime law ❗️Great video brother 👏👏👏👏👍👍👍👍‼️

Uncle Joe is a true scumbag.

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