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RE: Fabian Society:Depopulation,Population Control & World Government

in #politics7 years ago

If one wants to understand WHY this is happening, a good start is to read the "Protocols". I know. Fiction. Debunked. Fake. But an absolute blueprint for our society and our future.


By "Protocols" I will take it that you are referring to the "Protocols Of the Learned Elders Of Zion" which is an interesting document which I personally believe every person living in the U.S and Europe should read as most of the events detailed in it has happened in the real world.The unverifiable authenticity of the documents and the fact that the Protocols has historically been used to scapegoat Jews or prosecute Jews is something that causes a lot of people away to avoid these documents having the fear that if they do read it or tell others to read it, they will be labelled as "Anti-Semites" or as "conspiracy theorists"( a term which was invented by the CIA back in 1967 to smear or defame anyone who questioned official narrative of the JFK assassination).
However, it is important to remember that the Zionist Lobby and the Zionist Billionaires are only one of the cliques/secret societies that is aiming for total control of every resource on the globe.

I agree.
They are an important player for sure, but there must be more snakes in the pit.
The Zionists are way to much out in the open, their actions are too obvious and in the foreground.
The even more sinister agendas like worldwide population control and so on must be done by someone else in the shadows.
The big problem is to figure out WHO ELSE. Guess that's the nature of secrecy...
All we have is a bunch of theories, lots of them make sense, unfortunately nothing is conclusive.
Personally I find the Vatican / Venetian Nobility/Knights of Malta angle intriguing...
It would be hard to believe that all these popes, kings and aristocrats have lost all their wealth and power somehow...

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