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RE: The Dumbing down of America - Racism and violence in the USA

in #politics7 years ago

Thank you for this post. I share your very serious concerns when I see the amount of inflammatory material that is being shared widely by large numbers of posters on social media (not Steemit but another platform). I feel that trolls may be being employed to spread racism and normalise these retrograde attitudes but I have to admit that I rarely speak out about it.....because there is SO MUCH of it....I don't even know what to call it! "Mass mind control", perhaps? That depends on your angle, I guess. But thanks for raising this. Upvoted and resteemed.


yeah I feel the same. Not sure what to call it accept racism and a miss mash of different groups. I think they feel emboldened by Trump and feel more comfortable coming out now. And there is certainly a ton of propaganda for them to feed off. Very sad.

You said it @healingherb . The way the social media is being used as a means of mass mind control and to spread fear and hate is one of the most frightening aspects of events leading up to the rise of Trump. It is orchestrated from high levels of power and your feelings are almost certainly correct, when it comes to paid trolls and even more subversive goings on behind the scenes. Especially on facebook. propaganda has been taken to new levels in recent years as governments and secret services come to realise the power of social media and the internet, both to monitor and control populations behaviour. what we are talking about is cyber warfare. It is very worrying indeed and a terrible misuse of the awesome power of this technology, which could be used instead to unite people and spread freedom.

Thanks so much for feeling (should I say "seeing") the same, @stillgideon. I was taking about the Minds platform in particular, there seems to be so much of it there - post after post against Moslems then more about white supremacy. That's why it's so much better to home school if you can; at least you have some understanding of what is going into your children's subconscious. But that's why I feel positive about the ecotrain - it is about something very good and very real that is safe for young people and inspiring to all age groups. The more of it the better, to help muffle some of that hatred. Peace and love, friend.

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