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RE: Hell Cannons – The Homegrown Horror of Syria’s Terrorist Invaders

in #politics7 years ago

US media should be ashamed of itself for allowing political leaders to manipulate the US populace through their poor understanding of the structure and function of Middle Eastern societies.

And in turn, confusion about what exactly is going on in the Middle East is then used to introduce discord back into US society, with half of our population chanting that Islam is dangerous (only partly true) and the other half saying that Muslims should not be feared (also only partly true) -- while meanwhile, our own government tries to benefit from this discord both abroad as well as domestically.

Independent reporters such as yourself are the process that society will use to try to heal itself from the wounds imposed by those who seek to manipulate society for their own benefit.


Thank you so much! You're absolutely right. I really appreciate you taking the time to write your comment and sharing your thoughts with me. I will be adding more of my articles today, I hope you find them as beneficial and informative as this one.

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