The Black Hole of Corporate Life.

in #politics7 years ago

Capitalist Corporations are ruining our lives & planet.

Since the middle of the 19th century workers have been spiraling from independent self-employment into the event horizon of the black hole created by un-regulated corporate servitude. It will eventually destroy itself thru the greedy self consumption by the consumerism imposed upon us all.

In the 50's it only took one income to house and feed the family. In 2018 it takes two employed adults, sometimes working two or more jobs, just to keep the wolves away from the door. This is reducing prime time family time to the point that we no longer have the time for traditional families and let the TV raise the kids. What could go wrong?

The hypocrisy of corporate, religious & political leaders professing the virtues of family all the while enacting policy and regulations that erode the family cannot be overstated.

The very concepts and advances that have made the western world into the advanced civilization we have today, are the same that could be it's demise.

In the documentary: Civilization Part 1 - BBC Series by Niall Ferguson -

Niall Ferguson lists six parameters that lead to the rise of Western Domination of the planet.

  • Competition
  • Science
  • Democracy
  • Medicine
  • Consumerism
  • Work Ethic

My focus for this discussion will be on Competition, Consumerism & Work Ethic.

Niall Ferguson in his documentary explains that in the 16th and early 17th century China was the most advanced civilization in the world, while Europe was still stuck in feudalism. The numerous small states of Europe were in constant competition with each other. This competition was most often manifest in violence and wars between these small states. Survival of the fittest is a powerful motivator when competing for your life.

This motivator has been embedded into American's DNA. Americans are nothing if not competitive. How many times do we see on the news of "America Number One", "MAGA". Countless times. So much so that Americans actually think they are number one. In reality we are far down the list in most categories of happy & healthy populations. Main stream media propaganda just makes you believe you are number one.

Developing competition was necessary for the creation of Democracy, Science & Medicine. But by the time we hit the 20th century, corporations exploited the science and medicine to create the consumer economy. While this has created a fine standard of living for many, it is detrimental to our well being in many ways.

Corporations are competitive by their very nature. By law they must create profits creating the fertile soil to grow competition. Add our strong work ethic as fertilizer and you end up with a society that is on the fast track to consuming itself and the planet just for the want of more and more and more and more.

Consumerism & Work Ethic
Corporations are taking advantage of societies tireless work ethic and our obsessive desire to be "Number One". Now combine that with the highly refined consumerism created by Madison Avenue's apt use of psychological science and we all are tricked into wanting more & more & more. So you end up working more so you can have more stuff you most likely really don't need in the first place. But it does help the Corporations balance sheet.

Not only does this consumer economy take time from families it is ruining the environment as well. It's a sad state when it's safer for you to work on the weekends rather than take your kids fishing because the fish are to toxic to eat and the water too polluted to drink, that's if there are any fish left to fish in the first place.

The demands of corporations on workers are becoming intolerable, unsustainable for the planet and contrary to our professed "Family Values". Corporate Capitalism has and is failing when you consider 63% of Americans can't afford a $500.00 emergency.
Capitalism is inherently blind to a solution as it does not concern itself with society only profits.

America is in the process of deciding what is more important.

Profit or People.

What do you think?

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