in #politics7 years ago

The Trump Shithole Doctrine

Is it not fascinating to watch the same media myrmidons who not only went into the tank for Hillary Clinton but who nearly DROWNED there now going totally insane over Donald Trump's PRIVATE remark “Why are all these people from shithole countries coming here?”

For those with short memories – and any leftist/statist types fortunate enough to have a friend who might be able to read this rant to them – this is the same Hillary who, in her more private moments and when not setting her home ablaze to destroy evidence, uses language more at home in a Marine barracks. And, lest we forget, this is a woman who was an associate or acquaintance of a STATISTICALLY IMPOSSIBLE 100 fellow humans who died in suspicious or violent circumstances!
(How many of the folks YOU'VE known perished in similar fashion?)

As to Mr. Trump's comment, he merely stated what most of us proles out here in flyover country already know.

As I swiftly channel surf through their frequencies searching for that missed episode of Hollywood Celebrity Sex Orgy, I often catch a brief shot of these bubble dwelling MORONS at CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC losing their minds over his remark. And I wonder if they risk losing their 6 and 7 figure gigs for going off message on the Russia thing, but – like them – that's off topic.

In case you are unaware of HOW these electronic media coastal elites live, they DO NOT generally take the subway or bus to and from work. They are generally driven from and to their expensive gated & walled or 24 hour security guarded high-rise tower each day by employer furnished limousine. Much of the shopping for the things of life is often done by hired help or phone order. And when they DO venture forth, the less courageous of them either carry their own firearm (special permits for which are easily obtained from their political elite brethren in places like NYC, LA and Chicago) or they're accompanied by armed security. Good luck getting YOUR permit!

I'm a Vietnam era vet and have spent most of my adult life attempting to defeat folks who really should be living somewhere else so they might develop a sense of what it would be like if obozo had succeeded in packing this place with folks from some of those "shitholes”. If he HAD succeeded, America -- the UNIQUE IDEA -- would vanish from the earth. Once folks having NO concept of that "IDEA" were the majority, what would be the point in saving some place on the globe called America?? The most often quoted federal judge in history said it best: "Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; if it dies there, no constitution, no law, no court can save it." -- Judge Learned Hand, 1944

As the teleprompter reading talking heads spin further out of view of normal folks, I suspect the quote "Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it" doesn't ring any bells with them.

And neither does MLK, Jr's comment concerning the content of one's character being far more important than the color of one's skin.

Dr. King was a fellow REPUBLICAN. Why? Because he understood what I just wrote!!

PS: Oh yes. The reason THIS place has not yet become just another shithole is because a ragtag band of farmers and just plain folks faced down THEIR tyrant in places like Boston Harbor, Lexington Green, Concord Bridge, Yorktown and elsewhere and many of us remember that history. If the denizens of those shitholes understood that, they could lift the land of their birth out of the shit – and remain home.

Dick Bachert, 1/12/2018


Yeah, it's the Uranium One scandal they are trying to smother up!

That $139 million dollar bribe Hillary Clinton took!

From the Russians!

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