The Kalergi Plan for European Genocide.

in #politics6 years ago

I have no use for racism and I have no problem with racially mixed marriages, SO LONG AS IT IS ON A VOLUNTARY BASIS. That, of course, is not what is happening in Europe.

The philosophical basis for what is happening in Europe began with a count Richard Von Coudenhove-Kalergi and a plan named after him which calls for the annihilation of the demographic basis, the culture, and the religion of the indigenous people of Europe. The usual word for that kind of thing is 'genocide'. This is the closest thing I've found to an answer to the growing question of what the **** could possibly be going on in the heads of European leaders.…/the-genocidal-kalergi-plan-to…/…/…

The plan has plainly morphed somewhat over the past two or three decades. The idea of using muslims to screw Europe into oblivion probably didn't occur to Kalergi himself.

Alex Jones occasionally goes off on rants on the topic:

"Kikagate" (one of the videos Jones describes) apparently is being described as a major scandal in Germany:

The hardest thing in the world for ordinary people to do is to live their lives in a manner opposite to the system of incentives which their governments put in front of them. When large numbers of people start having to do that, the country has a major problem.

Here's the way I'd describe this shit to a man from Mars...

Willie, the young German mechanic or whatever stops by his mother's house to say Hi...

Mama: "Willie, where is that nice girl, Gretchen, that I used to see you with? (Willie, wo ist das nette Mädchen, Gretchen, mit dem ich dich in der Vergangenheit gesehen habe?)

Willie: Oh I'm so sorry, Mama, you didn't know, the giant foo bird ate her. (Oh, es tut mir so leid, Mama, du hast es nicht gewusst, der riesige Foo-Vogel hat die arme Gretchen gefressen...)

and Willie thinks to himself: "Sie würde mir beschuldigen, dass ich zu viel Reefer geraucht hätte, wenn ich ihr gesagt hätte, dass unsere Regierung fünf Millionen muslimische Männer im Militäralter importiert hat und alles in ihrer Macht stehende tut, um junge Mädchen wie Gretchen zu ermutigen, sich mit einem von ihnen zu gehen... (She'd accuse me of smoking too much reefer if I told her that our government had imported five million muslim men of military age and was doing everything within their power to encourage young girls like Gretchen to hook up with one of them...)


The very hardest thing in the world for ordinary people to ever to is to conduct their lives in a manner at odds with the system of incentives which their government puts in front of them. What the activity in this article amounts to is a case of the indigenous people of Sweden being raped by their own government. The question you might ask would be, when the Swedish government brings in 1 million dark skinned Muslim men to pork Swedish women, does it also bring in a corresponding million dark skinned Muslim women for Swedish men to pork??

Guessing the answer to that one should not be terribly difficult. Swedish men should assume that they have nothing left to lose at this point and that they have no more than one generation to fix the problem.

All of the links on this page have since been scrubbed...

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