The Covid Situation in Texas and Florida, msg to Tx Republican pols

in #politics4 years ago

Covid Situation, Conflicting Reports

The reports from SE Texas and from the world at large appear to be so greatly in conflict that they cannot both be true or believable.

CNBC reports:

AXIOS reports:

MSM concerned with # of cases:

Should we be counting cases or deaths?

Ben Davidson, founder of Space Weather News, occasional host/speaker at conferences:

“Extra long latency + many/most have few/mild symptoms = this went around the world before they knew what the hell it was. You had it already, you are alive, get over it.”

In other words, it could easily be that more than half of the world’s people have whatever viruses might be associated with cv19 in their systems and counting cases is idiotic.

Ron Paul, likewise claims the whole thing is magic book-keeping:

Polly SaintGeorge (Amazing Polly in Youtube), whole thing is a global racket:

NY, Vladimir Zelenko, near 100% cure rate with hcq, zinc, and an antibiotic:

Odessa Texas, Richard Bartlett, 100% cure rate with inhaled steroid:

Bartlett also claims East Asian nations have reduced death rates to near zero using similar steroids. Total deaths in both Taiwan and Japan are under 1000. Japan once lost more people than that attempting a night march through a crocodile infested swamp in the Pacific War campaign around New Guinea. Likewise the United States, in its history, has dealt with dozens of diseases more serious than COVID-19 without ever shutting down its economy or forcing citizens to dress like banditos with masks.

By all believable accounts, the face masks are not protecting anybody from anything and are dangerous to those wearing them. Lew Rockwell:

Government approaches to dealing with COVID-19 might make a modicum of sense if COVID-19 were incurable. Nonetheless in real life, COVID-19 is easily curable and would be even more easily curable if Big Pharma and democrats were to cease their legal and propaganda war against the real cures.

There is still the major question of a likely relationship between COVID-19 and 5G radiation which nobody in US government seems to be investigating.

Logic thus fails to explain US policies. A basic rule of life is that when something cannot be figured logically, you follow the money or, if you’re into Latin, you ask:

The answer in this case is sufficiently obvious, i.e.the democrat party. In fact that also answers the question of why the claims of ‘spikes: or second waves in Texas and Florida. To do anything other than be slaughtered in November, dems would have to turn at least one of Texas and Florida and they know it. Please don’t do anything (like keeping lockdowns or facemask rules in effect) to make it easier for them.

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