Ted Cruz Poses a Question

in #politics6 years ago

America has gone from grief to rising happiness in the short space of one and a half years. No magic was involved. Donald Trump is not any sort of a sorcerer or prestidigitator and what he has done is not rocket science. He has simply begun the work of undoing several decades worth of very bad trade policies and Malthusian policies directly intended to harm the United States for the greater glory of Gaia, as well as policies intended to line the pockets of globalist fatcats at the expense of ordinary working people all over the world.

Reports indicate that most Americans are happy with this turn of events but, given the power which the Democrat party still wields, the races in November still figure to be close.

Anybody who is uncomfortable with the new prosperity and happiness has a simple option in front of them: vote for Democrats and, like is not, the grief will return.

In particular, a vote for Beto O’Rourke would be a vote to have no place to go.

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