
in #politics6 years ago (edited)

On the off chance the subject should ever come up….

One of the most major barriers to decent relations between the United States and not only Russia but the entire rest of the Orthodox world has to do with the treatment which Serbia has come in for from the West generally, NATO, the Clinton regime, and the American deep state. In the mid-90s when you first started reading about this stuff, I didn’t really have any way of checking up on. I remember wondering, however, what could possibly be going on. Even supposing that everything I was reading about Serbia was true (hellishly unlikely) and serbs really were the most extreme villains in the world, the question was, was it worth it? Could anything in the Balkans possibly be worth risking the possibility of a new and friendly relationship with Russia?

When the situation began heating up again in the late part of 1998, the Internet was fully in place, and I DID have ways of checking up on it. I made it my business to try to figure out what was going on. What turned up was a very stupid and very ugly picture. On USENET groups, people from pretty much all the countries surrounding the Balkans were asking what the hell the Yanks were up to? Virtually all of them were saying the same thing, that the problem in the Balkans was the Albanians and other Muslims, and not the Serbs. There were something like 26 ethnic groups in that Yugoslav Confederation, only three of which had ever had any kind of a problem dealing with Serbs and those (Albanians, Bosnians, and Croats) were the three which had sided most strongly with the Nazis during World War II.

In particular, there is a question about a supposedly unjustified massacre which took place at the Bosnian town of Srebrenica, and that story turns out to be total bullshit. You can convince yourself of that by doing Google searches on the three terms “Clinton Izetbegovic 5000”. Bosnian president Alija Izetbegovic had asked Slick Clinton how many dead Muslims it would take to pull NATO into the conflict on the Bosnian side. Slick, plainly unprepared for such a question, answered “5000 or so”, entirely off the top of his head. Presto!, just like that, 5000 dead Muslims and instant massacre in the news.

I actually had some English clown in a forum calling me a degenerate asshole villain for saying something about Srebrenica, comparing that with Holocaust denial and claiming that:

“Russia was the only country vetoed a United Nations Security Council resolution that would have condemned the Srebrenica massacre as a genocide.“ …

My reply: The path of righteousness is often narrow. Don’t take my word for it; consider the words of your own leftist hero Samuel L Jackson (“the path of the righteous man (Russia in this case) is beset on all sides…”:

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