
in #politics7 months ago (edited)


For starters, the claim of "palestinians" having any kind of a prior claim on the territory of Israel entirely bogus.

Mark Twain had toured the hohly land in 1867 and described it as empty other than for small bands of nomads, e.g.

"Throughout Innocents Abroad, Twain explicitly states that the area was desolate and devoid of inhabitants. His group entered Palestine from the north, passing through such sites as the Sea of Galilee, the Banias, Nazareth, Jenin and Nablus.

Riding on horseback through the Jezreel Valley, Twain observed, “There is not a solitary village throughout its whole extent – not for 30 miles in either direction. There are two or three small clusters of Bedouin tents, but not a single permanent habitation. One may ride 10 miles, hereabouts, and not see 10 human beings.”
He continues, “Of all the lands there are for dismal scenery, I think Palestine must be the prince... Can the curse of the Deity beautify a land? “Palestine sits in sackcloth and ashes. Over it broods the spell of a curse that has withered its fields and fettered its energies.”

Twain was not alone in his poor impression of the land of milk and honey. Historians and travelers alike made similarly dreary observations over the centuries."

There are photographs showing the same thing from five or six years earlier:

What appears to be the case and what I have read is that, generally, people caling themselves "palestinnians" today are grandchildren and great grandchildren of people who were brought into the region by Arab leaders in the late 19'th and early 20'th centuries for the specific purpose of preventing or impeding the re-establishment of a Jewish state in the territory.

In my view, palestinians are the kind of people who give barbarians everywhere a bad name and all but the tiniest part of their prolems in life are self inflicted. Those include:

  • A false religion which is said to have "bloody borders".
  • Inbreeding. Something like 50% of all muslims are said to be inbred and in places like Pakistan or Gaza, that rises to 60% or 70%. Simple Google searches on "muslim inbreeding" and/or "palestinian inbreeding" will quickly convince you I'm not making this up.
  • A studied and extreme form of victimology which is abetted and reenforced by UN agencies and which you can read about at if you're not already familiar with the problem.
  • A brutal indoctrination system for children.

A Few Data Points

  • During Clinton's second term the palestinians were offered upwards of 90% of everything they'd ever asked for, and they just walked away. American and European pols from every side were screaming them to take the deal, it was obvious that the deal could not possibly get better, and they just walked away.
  • At the 2014 Paris miltech show, Israeli officials and representatives of Rafael Industries were in a state of non-comprehension regarding their Iron-Dome system. Israelis view that as one of their most major innovations of recent years and yet nobody at the show appeared to be interested in it at all. Israelis then set up a meeting with several of their major customers and asked why the lack of interest in Iron-Dome, it really was a total mystery to them. What the customers told them was that nobody else on the face of the Earth would tolerate the situation which REQUIRED Iron Dome, i.e. that any other nation on Earth would have simply carpet-bombed Gaza (or any other neighbor who made a habit of firing rockets and mortar shells across a border like that). Israel is the only nation on Earth that tolerates people who do that sort of shit.
  • Shmuel Rosner notes: "Here is one example of the problem with the status quo (besides the obvious need to get rid of Hamas' arsenal of rockets): Last year, Israel removed a restriction on imports of building materials into the Gaza Strip. The decision allowed Palestinians an import of 70 trucks a day of gravel, metal bars and cement for construction projects. This gravel and cement is found below ground level now, in the tunnels [terror tunnels reaching under Israel], and thus, Israel is unlikely to go back to letting such material go in, without having in place a way of verifying that the material will only be used for construction of, well, things that Gaza truly needs, such as houses and roads."

In short, pretty much everything Israel has ever done to try to improve their lives has been turned into weapons pointed at the heart of Israel. Even something as mundane as concrete and rebar allowed into Gaza for the purpose of constructing homes and commercial buildings has ended up being used for terror tunnels and Egypt has had to resort to bombing out deep trenches to put the kibosh on similar tunneling into Egypt. Basically, any little slip up, no matter how small, any little concession to the normal human tendency towards empathy, and you and/or other innocents are simply going to get hurt.

There do not appearf to be any innocents living in Gaza, that appears to be a kind of a myth:

There is no reason to think that anything other than grief could ever come of palestinians continuing to live next to Israel. A better solution might be for the UN to place them under the US Bureau of Indian Affairs and find some safe place to build a reservation for them. One of the US Pacific island possessions would probably suffice.

In fact Gert Wilders in his new position as HMFIC of Netherlands, is calling for the designation of Jordan as a palestinian state. That is probably correct in a legalistic sense, nonetheless no rational person could wish that on Jordan any more than they could on Israel. A reservation somewhere in the central Pacific is still likely the best idea.

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