NEA wants mandatory KovidVax, all students and teachers

in #politics3 years ago

Latest on Public Ed...

"The NEA will call for mandatory safe and effective COVID-19 vaccinations and testing for all students and staff before returning to face-to-face instruction in the fall, subject to medical exceptions in accordance with existing law, and will widely publicize this position via social media. We will further call for and publicize that safety measures such as social distancing, masking, and proper ventilation be mandatory for all."

So, St. Michael knocks on my door and says something like

Mr. Jones, we have determined that you are entitled to three wishes, not for yourself mind you but for your country, the United States of America, any three things that you believe will do the most good.
Here's what I think it would have to be:

I'd like to see an asteroiod hit the US State Department. I do not require bloodshed and would settle for permanent amnesia on the part of all employees from the top to the bottom and total destruction of all computers and records.

I'd like to see about 2000 of those new Armata tanks with Serbian markings roll into Kosovo and heave all KLA and NATO personnel back to whereever they came from and/or belong, and restore the province to rightful Serbian rule. That would mess DS minds so badly that they would never function again.

I'd like to see the Christian majority in the United States pull ALL of their children out of the government/public schools, and never allow them to go back. Anything they were to decide to do about education after that would be a massive improvement; The Lord of the Flies would be an improvement, the kids on that island didn't all die...

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