LaRouchePAC take on Charlottesville

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

LaRouchePAC take on Charlottesville.....

It is now abundantly clear that with the Russiagate campaign of the color revolution against Donald Trump seriously damaged—based on the July 24 dossier by the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) exposing the fraud behind the accusation that the Russians hacked the Democrats’ emails, and the population’s disbelief in that hoax—the coup attempt against Trump will now proceed, targeting American festering hurt over “race.” All psychological warfare operations of this kind are based on population profiles of what seem to be irresolvable problems within the targeted society.

Let us be very clear. There is an outbreak of the purest hypocrisy on this issue now taking place in the U.S., with outright genocidalists and eugenicists, such as George W. Bush (architect of the Iraq War and killer of millions) and Lawrence Summers (who wanted to dump toxic waste in Africa) coming forward to decry President Trump’s alleged declaration of moral equivalence between nazis and anti-nazis, on the issue of race.

The President was absolutely correct in implying that Charlottesville was a staged event for political purposes. He was more than correct when he stated that the only solution to the issue of race in America is productive jobs. That was the point emphasized by Lyndon LaRouche in a little-remembered piece called “What Ever Happened to Integration,” which is as applicable today as when it was written in the 1970s.

The Presidency of Barack Obama and its complete identification of “identity politics” with social progress, created the present cauldron in the United States. There was absolutely no economic progress made under Obama’s reign, only the flooding of the ghettos with drugs, gangs, and economic despair.

It is standard British counterinsurgency practice to pit gangs against one another, in an endless cycle of violence and murder, a strategy perfected in the British wars against the Mau Mau by Brig. General Frank Kitson in Africa, and called just that —“gang/countergang.” In the current case in Charlottesville, both gangs in action were controlled either by the FBI or by other intelligence operatives on the scene.

The Klan, White Supremacists, Richard Spencer, David Duke, and others in action, are all long-time assets of the FBI. Duke was largely a George H.W. Bush creation. It turns out that the other major figure in Charlottesville, Jason Kessler, now proclaimed to be “alt right,” was actually an Obama activist until November 2016, and participated heavily in Occupy Wall Street. Some say he was an assignment editor at that point for CNN. A strange metamorphosis, to say the least. The guy who drove the car injuring many and killing a protester, was a mentally ill drifter named James Fields, whose fascination with Nazism and violence had been being profiled by authorities since his high school years.

On the other side are Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe; Charlottesville Mayor Michael Signer; a former State Department employee (who some say worked for the CIA) named Brennan Gilmore; the Obama “Resist” apparatus in Virginia; and the violent, lawless, anarchist grouping known as Antifa.

This plan to remove the Robert E. Lee statue, and the plan for a large white-power rally to protest its removal, had been underway for a very long time. It is typical of gang/countergang operations now taking place throughout the United States involving alt right provocateurs and antifa provocateurs, which have resulted in riots, injuries, and huge property damage in Berkeley, Portland and other locations.
In Charlottesville, the white power advocates procured a permit after a widely publicized court fight; the counter-protesters (without a permit) organized through social media with help from the Soros-funded Progressive Change Campaign Committee, Standing Up for Social Justice, and Refuse Fascism, as well as the violent anarchist Antifa. The counter-protest was also widely promoted by the Center for American Progress of John Podesta, which is the institutional center of Resist.

Right after Trump’s election, Charlottesville Mayor Michael Signer said that the city would be the capital of the resistance to Donald Trump. At the same time, the main initial group of the social media organizers of the Resist movement in the U.S. had migrated to Virginia to run Obama protégé Tom Perreillo’s campaign for Governor. Perreillo had formally worked for the State Department in Africa and was heavily backed by Podesta’s Center for American Progress in his campaign. His campaign chief of staff, Brennan Gilmore, was involved in a color revolution in the Central African Republic, pitting Muslims against Christians and resulting in a subsequent genocide (and, as we shall see, was at the center of the action in Charlottesville). Governor Terry McAuliffe’s Clintonista political background and propensity for political stunts and sleazy activities is well known.
Preceding the violence of Saturday, the white power advocates marched on Friday night using the same type of torches employed by the Nazis in the Maidan in Ukraine during the 2014 coup backed by the Obama administration.

According to all reports of what happened in Charlottesville, Signer and McAuliffe collaborated to have the police bring the two opposing groups together, rather than separating them, and then stood down when the violence erupted. It was Brennan Gilmore who was on hand to capture on video the car that mowed down the counter-demonstrators and killing a young woman, Heather Heyer. The video has been circulated over and over again on television and the internet.

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