CV19 vs Crocodiles

in #politics4 years ago (edited)

Candace Owens:


Demopoops want to win in November by massive fraud involving mail-in voting and use the fizzled CV19 virus as an excuse for that, hence the deep-state / BigPharma/ demopoop propaganda and political war on all the real preventatives and cures for CV19. The truth about the situation with CV19:

Dr. Richard Bartlett of Odessa Tx. who has similarly been curing CV19 cases with an inhaled steroid notes that several Asian nations have been doing the same thing and have experienced microscopic numbers of deaths, the numbers in Japan being less than a thousand and similar to the number of people they lost in 1944 during a night march through a crocodile infested marsh in the fighting near Burma. That says that a healthy person's chances of dying of CV19 are similar to his chances of being eaten by a crocodile.


The good news:

  • Donald Trump is not going to let demopoops succeed at that.
  • Several nations including Iran and Indonesia have made HCQ over-the-counter so that BigPharma can't mess with it in those countries, and the trend should spread.
  • Nobody in gyms is wearing those stupid masks while trying to lift weights any more.

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