Catalog of Clinton Gangsterism from the 90s

in #politics6 years ago

This is the best general summary of Clinton gangsterism I know of. One or two of the links might have died of old age at this point

"So much for William J. (Slick) Clinton, our first gangster president. Everybody who reads pretty much knows what Clinton is about by now. Many are still deluded inasmuch as they like to believe that it's possible for a guy like Slick to end up in charge of a good cause by some perverse quirk of fate. That doesn't happen in the real world; a guy like Slick being in charge of a cause invariably means the cause is messed up.

The Chicago mob was not a charitable organization which ended up under Al Capone via a stroke of bad luck; The German Nazi party was not a religious order which ended up under Hitler due to a chance misfortune. The Kommunisticheskaya partiya in Russia did not fall under the sway of Stalin due to an isolated fluke or unlikely event, and the democratic party in America is not under the Clintons due to any quirk of fate. "

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