1956: The Year the Democrats Lost Touch

in #politics5 years ago (edited)

1956: The Year the Democrats Lost Touch with Reality

In 1952, the democrats ran Adlai E. Stevenson against Dwight Eisenhower for president of the United States. That is, they ran a leftist schlamozzle whose own mother might or might not recognize him if she hadn’t seen him in four days, against the man who had just saved the world from Nazism.

That was entirely similar to a professional prize fight between Little WeeWee Smith, and Joe Louis; the results were about like that.

Little WeeWee Smith vs Joe Louis

And then, in 1956, THEY DID IT AGAIN!!!

They thought Adlai’s chances were better in 56! They were all screaming and shouting:

“Horay, Little WeeWee!!” “Go Little WeeWee!!” “Go get em Little WeeWee!!” “You can’t lose this time Little WeeWee!!!”

And they were all singing this song to the tune from “My Fair Lady”:


We'll start campaigning in the morning
Ding, dong, the bells are gonna chime
Pull out the stopper, let's have a whopper,
For Adlai's gonna win this time

He's getting started in the morning
Spruced up and feeling in the prime,
Stand up and shout it, no doubt about it
That Adlai's gonna win this time

He's gonna lead us to victory,
He's gonna move to Washington, D.C

For we're getting started in the morning
Up up the votes are gonna climb
No one could doubt him, there's no way to stop him
Adlai's gonna win, Adlai's gonna win,
Adlai's gonna win this time…...

The democrats were annihilated in a devastating wipeout:

That map says that the 56 election was basically the United States versus the KKK; even the enlightened parts of the old South didn't want any part of it.

Now, you might be thinking that had to be the stupidest **** that ever happened in American politics, i.e. that nobody could ever top that for pure, undiluted political stupidity. But that could turn out to be wrong. What if the democrats were to do the exact same stupid thing AGAIN in 2020??!!

According to much of what I read, the Hildabeast is gonna run again in 2020!!!!! The logic behind the claims is not flawed. The other candidates you might have watched in the dem “debates”, if your stomach could take it, are being referred to as a “clown car”, and the basic reality is that none of them could plausibly raise enough money to mount a believable campaign. The Hildabeast is the only possible dem candidate who could do that. The idea (for dem bosses) would be to let Hilda raise the money and run and then try to use their control over media and their political gamesmanship to win via gaming and not via ideas.

Many of the brightest lights in the blogosphere are predicting this. The only thing which could prevent them from at least attempting it would be for Hilda to be in prison prior to November of 2020.

Goodman prediction:

A few reasons why Hillary might be in prison by Nov. 2020:


Another take on the Joe Louis vs Little WeeWee Smith question:

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