Project Veritas Is Back In My Neighborhood Causing A Ruckus - Truth Doesn't Care about Right & Wrong, Raw Reporting Is Important But What Is Your Opinion On This Effort?

in #politics5 years ago

Part of me would love to trade the New Hampshire election primary season for something like a derby season or even a garlic festival perhaps, but what can I say, we don't have al lot of room for horses in the white mountains and our growing season feels like its a week long so it is what it is.

I'm not sure anyone really thinks about my little state until the federal election cycle starts heating though, we do have plenty of maple syrup and lobster but we choose to keep a rock face, that fell down many years ago, as our symbol so I suppose it makes sense that no one knows what else we have going on here.

It is nice to have the national spotlight and have our opinions aired, we certainly have a lot to share after all, but with attention comes negativity and corruption.

I've spoken a lot about my personal experience with Project Veritas and their undercover camera crew when they came through my town the last time. I was running a voting station at the time but made it out ok, still hoping so in any case, and know the feeling of being a part of their investigations.

This is why I'm so interested in their reporting when it becomes local news again, I consider it a heads up to my neighbors at least. I do not mean to take away from these reporter's mission in any way nor do I want to hurt their efforts but it is hard not to take things personal when you now have to treat everyone who knocks on your door as suspect in some hidden camera scheme.

I'm very torn between understanding the need to fix the problems in our society and opposing doing so by instead having a society that lends to fear as a means to get things done. Think about how terrifying this video is for people who live in this neighborhood for a bit.

What if there was an undercover journalists group knocking on doors where you live and attempting to trick everyone into admitting their crimes on a hidden camera? How fun is that, would you even bother to answer your door or would you become cold and distrusting of everyone on your stoop? When you neighbors start getting hauled off to federal prison and being fined a years salary, how safe would feel in your house?

Project Veritas has helped and hurt us in many ways over these last few years, I can admit to not doing any community service locally since I was part of their last sting, doesn't seem worth it. Now the question around here is how much more do we need to disengage with strangers and we still have massive voter fraud problems. Sure we are doing small things to fix things but the cost is getting high.

As great as it is to have your political opinion heard, I'm seriously debating on whether or not it's worth the consequences. It could be past time we all start heading to Hampton Beach in the fall and start pushing our chowder as an identity.

Would you pay this kind of price just to feel like you're a part of your country on a national level?


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Thanks for checking out this article, have a great day!



I hate to say, if you do nothing wrong, you have nothing to fear, but in a sense, it's kind of true. Especially in this type of circumstance. The guy may have made an accident, but I'm not really sure how you can accidentally vote twice. It's also not law enforcement, but a third party that's ostracizing someone for breaking a law, which to my thinking, is much more useful than fining, caging, or killing someone.

We also have to consider how much one vote is worth. Where either of the elections he voted for decided by one vote? Are they ever? And on top of that, this isn't some sort of ballot harvesting scheme that might actually change things.

My two cents.

I worry about what is next and the chilling effect this will have on us here. I'd love to think all my neighbors are on the level but something tells me most people around have something they don't want aired out unfortunately. I suppose I just don't want to meet these people again and there is a bias against these tactics coming through on my part.

Feels like this kind of thing put us in a situation where we have to decide to either ignore the problem or live in a police state.

I hear that, but I'm not sure I'd agree to call them a police state. I think in the absence of a centralized state, this is one way that those who transgress on others would be noted. We already see this happening on social media with me too, and other SJW drivel, so I definitely see what you're saying.

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