Why I know Marine Le Pen will be the next President of France ! Frexit 2017 )

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

So I should point out that i was myself born in France by sheer coincidence in Life. But later went on to live there for twenty years more as my own decision. I speak fluently their language and believe you me i know very well what makes them tick and what makes them do what they do !
They are sadly not liked for some strange reason by many, which i always found most unfair and rather stupid ! They are I know often the subject of awful and derogatory generalisations. But I should say that they were and still are more my own people than that of my own country ! They who live across the channel of Northern European life and values !
I love the French, they are passionate straight talking people and do not like to be messed around by others!! They love life and yes food and good times. Extremely hard working, proud of what they do and surprising in their dexterity when confronted by a problem

So I am going to give you insider information on how this vote for the next presidency of France will go ! Its so clear to me that Marine Le Pen will win, as indeed with her victory will the people of France! The great losers will be the Globalists who have since the end of the second world war done their best to pull the carpet from below the feet of everybody who fell in the dark shadow of this technocratic self elected elite of gangsters called the E,U!

There time is over and Frexit will be another huge nail in this coffin still residing for now in Brussels!

I should let you know that I correctly called both British Brexit vote and Trumps monolithic victory in the recent Presidentielle election in the U.S.A.I am even considering placing a bet on this feeling I have as if I had done this with my other two correct previsions I would have made a nice profit ) Maybe you might too if you agree with my post ? lol

So if you want a future world of true democratically voted sovereign nations freed from Globalist Kabbalistic Enslavement, you like me should pray that indeed Marine Le Pen,s victory enables the French People to take back their Nation and give hope to other countries that grow weary of threat of totalitarian tyranny which seemingly controls everything and at every level !

Here is a link to a clear and concise appraisal of the situation there right now. With the globalist Macron proving himself to be what he is, namely another puppet and tool of the Deep Srate control over us all ! The short video at the bottom of the page is a must see !


Vive La France Vive la Liberte et La Fraternite et Vive Marine )


Marine Le Pen Equals Freedom

Exacterment Monsieur @jjyeshua tu as toute a fait rasison ) Content que tu soit daccord avec moi !!) thankyou so much for this first postive comment here ) Steem On La France !

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