in #politics7 years ago

This very well made and researched video is a must see to understand why we live these dark times since this day of murder and treason which was named 911 ! Please take the time to watch it !

I mean when you see all these clearly damning informations and conclusions by professionals, we can see that there is little chance that this extremely complex attack could have been possibly ochestrated by the "said team " of terrorists orchestrated by this strange and elsusive charachter known to us as Ben Laden !! No this was surely more the work of far more influential and higher hands, its so clear now after the 16 years which have passed and the revelations still being made to this day !

Remember how this attack sold to us the need to invade Iraq and topple the Saddam Hussein regime because of supposed WMD,s which werer proven later to have never been owned by Saddam, one which prempted the very same thing with Gaddafi in Libyia and now Assad in Syria !!

Ask yourself who really stood to profit and gain from these assasinations of sovereirgn state leaders by their own people ???

We need really to push for a serious and independent reinvestigation of this disgusting murder of 3000 individuals on the day itself and the thousands more which died later from all sorts of terrible health issues related to " radio active " dust inhalation and of course the asbestos related diseases that our heroic first responders were for the greater part the biggest victims of this, as they took this shit full in the face !

please watch this film and see why this day must never be laid to rest until Justice is served to the guilty !!

911, Illegal wars and even Pizzagate are all connected and beneath this shadow of 911 which brought us all into a world of shadows and lies which still serve to this very day the secretive agendas of this crimainal cabal we are forced to call our world " leaders ! "

So Never Forget the day of 911 ! Inside Job !

Comments and reactions please in the comment section below !

Thanks everybody, let Truth and Justice prevail and let us in this great community Steem On full speed to it! )


The truth has been out there for many years.

Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth:

yeah really i know !! Its so sad its actually more pathetic !! Whar is wrong with people !1 Do they really not care at all that our government is setting us up for this great fall they have made only for us !! It,s really way beyond belief that people are really just so scared to see the Emperor has n o fucking clothes !! I appreciate your comment @icarus )

Excellent Post G.

This is people's problem.

yes this social disease of cognitive dissonance is so disturbing ! It defies imagination that people cannot face this truth that our government is not the benevolent nice parent you thought it was ! That its not there to help or protect you like you imagined ! Instead it would kill you in an instant and with no thought of the consequence !1 We live terrible times and it will not improve till people take the red pill and open their fucking eyes for probably the first time in their lives to their reality !! thankyou so mcu for you kind words and encouragement @jacobst ) Steem On to Truth and Reality, whatever it be ! As a difficult reality is preferable to a sugar coated yet dangerous lie !!

Thank you for sharing this very informative article! ☆☆☆☆☆🌍😎

Hey no problem thats really what I am here for, to get it out there amongst other things !! This video leaves no doubt that we need to bring out of the shadows the real perpertrators of this hidenous crime ! I am sure you agree ! thanks again @michaelstobiersk )


Thanks for sharing the truth! I have just upvoted and followed you, @gomeravibz.
I like the blog of yours. You are more than welcomed to check out mine as well ;)

VERY SHORT summary of some of Dr. Judy Woods study of ignored media from 911 including witness testimonies that confirm some of the mail you question.

Look at her own presentation on this page

However her book, NO THEORIES, is a phenomenal work

My presentation in Copenhagen to a packed hall of scientists.

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