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RE: Shills are everywhere when someone brings up Seth Rich

in #politics7 years ago

They've lost control of the narrative because they don't have situational control over who knows what they did. The number of people who know is too big and the evidence of a cover-up is getting bigger by the day.

The problem is with that many people knowing the truth they can't just disappear them all. That will be an admission of guilt. But, expect someone else to die soon. Sessions had better stop looking at drug possessors and start looking at the corruption in DC or he's going to need to be replaced.


good thing there is cryptocurrency and silver for us. i've given up on what sessions and trump does. Why doesn't sessions investigate seth rich? It's starting to look like hillarys crimes will be swept under the rug.
I think these leaks are coming from the NSA and CIA who have complete control over the white house. The real boss is Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Chase, Rothschilds of London, Barclays, etc.

It is a good thing that there are ways to protect your wealth when the unsustainable financial system cracks. Trump has real issues with these leaks, but also understand that the more strident the denunciation of something the more likely it is true.

Seth Rich was murdered. We all know it. When there is the right amount of evidence the people involved will either perp walk or fall in behind Trump. Either way we win. Let this play out.

Seems like they're trying to break up "conspiracy theorists" with confusing and conflicting conspiracy theories. Shills. Disinformists are pumping full steam ha! (No pun intended )it's like the rabbit hole doing cartwheels

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