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RE: AGENDA: Friends with no one, hated by all, at war from all sides. Magicians of international relations.

in #politics7 years ago

@Dwinblood I can tell you put a tremendous amount of effort into this posting. I want to let you know just how much I appreciate your effort. I seem to agree with you on most everything you said.

Let me be more like Trump, more blunt, blatant, and in your face with these opinions (LOL.)

Education - I agree with Jeff Berwick (Dollar Vigilante) at least, in that public schools are really nothing more than indoctrination camps. Therefore anyone in the US who has gone to public school in the last 37 years (Since the DOE) has been under the direct indoctrination of the oligarchs who run the Country. The Department of education simply puts the brainwashing of our kids under central control.

Blowback - This is the result of our bombing other sovereign Nations based on outright lies. It is the creation of hatred from great loss. "They" don't hate us because we are free, because of our primary religion, or that we're more prosperous (Envy.) They hate us because we blew their shit, and their family up.

Immigration / Mexico - Slick Willy Clinton sold us down the river!!! NAFTA sent millions upon millions of good US jobs to Mexico, while at the same time driving 4 million farmers in mexico out of business. We flooded the market there with corn that can NOT be grown for what it sells for. Without Government subsidies (Which are far more than that horrible welfare to the "Poor".) big farmers, and agriculture corporations would collapse. (I live in Iowa, so I know this well.) THEEENNN the corporations sent the jobs from Mexico to Asia so they could trade $2 an hour employees for 50 cents employees. Now we wring our hands that their taking our jobs!!! The wall will NEVER be built.

Isolationism - This is the inability to have big Government and superior military firepower seize other people's shit so those who bribe politicians can get richer.

""Journalism"" - The Youtube advertising boycott is simply a cartel gang having a "Drive by shooting" to wipe out someone who is in their "Territory".

Capitalism - We don't have a "Free Market".... We have Centrally planned predatory capitalism!!!

Trump (Stupid?) - His greatest mistake has been not to have a "False flag event" that collapsed the economy in his first 100 days..... At least then he could have blamed it on Obama..... It's coming anyway.

Again.... @dwinblood, thanks for your hard work!!!

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