David Seaman reports: FBI Investigating James Alefantis - For Threatening Ryan

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

David Seaman reports that the FBI are investigating James Alefantis for threats he made against Ryan O'Neal's family.

And no, he will not name his source. That's ethical journalism.

Thanks to Ryan we may have a breakthrough.

Here is Ryan's video reporting the threats James Alefantis made:


This is good news, potentially at any rate. In an objective sense, for everyone (that isn't part of the pedoring ;))! Let us just hope that the decent humans still left in the fbi are on the case. By the way, has anyone taken Seaman up on his challenge to contact the fbi to verify there is an investigation?


Here's the thread. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1554053

What's key is this: David Seaman has never reported on anything false, that he hasn't checked. He wouldn't do that to his reputation.

@baah @homalinadir @cathyfox and many others, this is great news.

Yes, loved the end.
at 42:30 mark

and 7:30 mark lol

I had a friend check with the Police, the police report done by Ryan is inactive. Meaning the FBI never picked it up, it just got thrown out.

Secondly you wouldn't file a Police Report in Galveston for a situation in DC.

Third no one has any provided any evidence of the FBI taking this over other than hearsay.

Lastly I called the number that Ryan is claiming is threatening him it was on the Pegasus video, the number 202-285-0567 is not accepting calls at this time. I have four other numbers I found through research and I will try those at some point today.

In my opinion, when Ryan realized the police report he filed was dropped he made up this claim about the FBI and Seaman ran with it because Seaman is easily tricked. The same reason Seaman is a Trump supporter = easily tricked.

Lets see what happens. But I trust Seaman's rep.

If you're threatened in Galveston and reside in Galveston then you file a report with the police there. That's what Ryan did.

If the police just throw reports out they need to be reported.

You won't change Trump supporters' minds about Trump by saying things like that. The man hasn't even taken office yet and he's chosen a man like Jeff Sessions to ensure the corrupt get prosecuted. Sessions has the highest integrity.

Just because Seaman supports Trump doesn't mean he's easily tricked. He has a great rep thus far and we have no reason to doubt his confidential sources in the FBI.

Who did you support for Pres? Just curious because you never say :)

I actually did cover who I was voting for in my Illuminati Election video I did in May of 2016. However understand that as an anarcho capitalist my preference would be the elimination of government entirely.

I fundamentally disagree with Trump based on his appointments, his stated polices and more as I have covered extensively. He is far better than the DNC alternatives but that is not saying much.

I was voting for John McAfee, because he was running on the premise to fire the entire federal government once elected including himself via Article 5 of the US Constitution, to bring forth systemic change and a constitutional convention so that bare minimum we could get back to being a legally operating entity under constitutional law. McAfee lost to Gary Johnson which sucks.

I actually voted for Gary Johnson despite not really liking him much at all. I hate Bill Weld the CFR VP he chose. I voted for the Libertarian Party basically to help give it more turnout and hopefully try to get the Libertarian candidate into the national election debates next time around. I just think America bare minimum needs a third party and MacAfee was almost the Libertarian nominee so, I voted for that despite not liking Johnson at all really.

I didn't find your channel till November. Lol McAfee is a fascinating character. Very smart but perhaps hindered by the Belize fiasco. If the world was burning McAfee would find a way out.

Gary was a Clinton cuck imo. Bet we'd find some stuff in his closet that Podesta has exploited.

Thing is with these elections, the toughest, least PC, most unpredictable guy would win. Nobody else would've defeated the witch or all the other cucks.

Yes, you can always make the lesser of two evils argument about Trump v Clinton for which anyone with a brain would choose Trump in that scenario.

The Belize situation was total bs, I have heard McAfee's explanation, looked into it myself, had interactions with this man etc. McAfee actually gave the keynote address at my graduation from college that changed how I see the world. I have a huge amount of respect for him, and that Showtime move "Gringo" and the media coverage of the Belize thing was total garbage.

Gary did kinda wreak of being Ross Perot 2.0, except no one could have stolen enough votes from Trump to change the election. Hillary lost the election by such a huge margin it is not even funny and that is with all the blatant voting manipulation and fraud. If the DNC hadn't pulled their bullshit fraud as always Hillary would have lost by some ridiculous amount. Hillary is just an evil witch and belongs on death row.

I know. I watched McAfee's version recently. I meant that's how the public would taint him in general. I think he's super intelligent.

HRC is an evil freak.

I'm curious why the 49th most powerful man in DC is making those calls himself. Shit, I'm a nobody, but I'd be hiring Peanut at the end of the block to do my harassing for me. I get the feeling that this is staged, like a set up. I believe David is sincere and truthful in all his videos. And, if this turns out to be a hoax....Let's all be humble. I can't tell you how many times I was fooled by a psychopath. I've gotten better, but even the psychiatrists get fooled. Brief example, on her way out the door to freedom from the locked ward, a patient hands me an envelope. Promise me you'll read it at lunch, Alone. Ok buddy, glad you're better. At lunch is a letter filled with disjointed ideas and statements. P.S. " I never took any of those shitty green pills." the envelope had about 2 weeks worth of Prolixin an anti-psychotic . My point is, everyone thought she was better, even the psychiatrist that discharged her. These DC psychos are much smarter than my schizophrenic , Non-compliant Patient.

Well as for the threats, I am sure if Ryan Alexander (PizzaGate Gear) is actually being threatened it is by someone other than Alefantis, like someone he hired or something. Ryan won't provide any verifiable evidence of these threats other than chat logs that can be easily faked, and phone calls with the numbers blocked out. Does it mean it's all lies, no but it wreaks of bullshit.

As for threats being dished out by people associated with Alefantis yes, I believe that is going on. Is there something up at Pegasus museum, yes definitely. I also have received threats, and a hacker friend of mine who submitted the hardcore smoking gun data to the DC police has also been threatened and had a truck of his totaled. So I do think Alefantis is using other people to threaten anyone who is exposing him, because he knows he is about to get arrested soon and he is doing everything he can to cover this up. I just don't think it is Alefantis himself sending messages and calling people and the guy who hit my friends truck got arrested by Police so I know for sure there are people not named James Alefantis doing his dirty work.

Yeah, my thoughts exactly. I wonder did anyone call the FBI, I would but my paranoia gets in the way.

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