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in #politics7 years ago

Tomorrow the British government will present the European Union with the letter that will trigger article 50 which signs the beginning of the departure of the UK from the EU. I wish the British the best of luck in their future. Personally I think things will be tough, they are leaving the largest trading block in the world, at least partially so their status will necessarily be worse off than while they were in the union.

They can increase their trade with the rest of the world, but here I also see a problem, the British pound will lose value after leaving, making imported articles more expensive, of course British products will be cheaper, but the people will see no profit there, I know, I live in a country where the coin is being constantly devalued and the only ones who make a killing are exporting companies, and they don’t share their wealth with anyone. Also you have to consider the transportation costs of goods this will also increase prices inside of Britain and make exports less competitive, think of the distances between the UK and the American continent, and just think about Asia which is so much farther away.

So I think if the British want Brexit to work they are going to have to work real hard and expect a diminishing of their standard of living for the foreseeable future.I hope I am wrong and things will work out fine for them, time will tell.One thing is certain they have to leave, I believe any goodwill between both parts, UK and EU, is practically zero and I think the situation has reached a point of no return.


Many in the UK want to stay, the referendum result was a result of people being sold lies by the leave politicians and the media not challenging those lies. With the government we have Brexit will be a disaster for the UK.

Well, anyway I do hope things work out for you.

Well said.
I think if EU wanna survive it cannot allow a 'soft Brexit', with UK keeping most of the free market but refusing free circulation of people.
UK always had a skeptical position of EU as political union, but interested in free trade. Let's see how much time will take art. 50 (they say about 2 years?).

It is 2 years, but apparently during those 2 years they have to take time out for elections and other things so the negotiations in reality will have less than 2 years.

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