Representative Democracy: More like a Democratic Dictatorship, as well as an important message that needs to be heard

in #politics6 years ago

Representative Democracy: More like a Democratic Dictatorship, as well as a message that needs to be heard

Democracy is put on a pedestal by everyone both Right wing and Left wing, from Far-right borderline Fascist parties to Far-left Marxist-Leninist parties. In the west, Democracy has become a buzzword for Freedom to choose who runs you, and to an extent that is true for most democracies in the world. Everyone from the United States to dare i say it Cuba, granted Cuba is still a one party state but there is an element of Democracy still in there in that people can still vote for the leader of the Communist party of Cuba, if people don't like him they don't vote for him. There is a lot of flaws to Representative Democracy and we in the west kinda just accept that as a fact and run with it, we acknowledge the issues but prefer to stick with it since it's all we've ever known. However, I'll be the guy who takes the metaphorical bullet and will call representative democracy out on its flaws and explain what can be done to solve it.

-- What is Representative Democracy?--

Representative Democracy is a form of Democracy that most of the world is familiar with, political parties and independents will stand for election based on a party policies that the public get to choose fits with the majority of the public. Representative Democracy can take many forms from the First Past The Post system in the United Kingdom to Proportional Representative Democracies that exist in some smaller European countries. The premise however is the same, you pick a party you align with and vote for them, if they get in they run the country for 4-8 years depending on where you are.

-- What are the flaws with Representative Democracy? --

The most blatant issue is that, people change their minds. As soon as you vote, you cannot go back on that, from the moment you've voted your mind can change and you feel immense guilt for who you've just voted for, for whatever reason that may be.

Another issue is that the representatives aren't very good at representing you, in most area's of the world representatives you vote for spend more time away from the state/constituency that they are supposed to represent and thus in the modern day, the time they have with you is through email, which sociologically and psychologically there's a few issues with that. Mainly that you don't feel like you are being truly represented because you aren't able to vent your issues to a person sat across from you who can see how you feel but rather you are supposed to boil down your emotions to a few paragraphs that the representative can state matter-of-factually in a 5 minute window to save time. A window of time that a lot of the time won't pull on the heart-strings of the opposition enough to change their minds.

Another issue that comes to light whenever a new party (either literally or metaphorically) is elected is they don't always stick to their promises. A manifesto, either for a individual member of parliament or a party is, in the light of the MP or Party is actually more of a suggestion booklet, 70-75% of that will be implemented in some way or another but there is no guarantee that those changes will be tailored to people like you who either voted for that party or a similar party.

In countries such as the United States, Personality Politics can override what the Presidential candidate is actually saying and promising to do, in the case of Trump, we heard time and time again that people voted for him because "he tells it like it is" that's a personal preference but its nothing of actual substance, Telling it like it is, is not a political policy that is how the Politician acts, and act is choice word because you don't really know how that person really is, in the case of Trump you've seen him on Reality TV but as anyone in the TV industry will tell you, reality TV is mislabelled because its a exaggerated version of someone's life, its not actually how they are. So many of Trump's supporters really don't know the man behind the act, and this is a major issue of Representative Democracy, some people don't vote for substance they vote for looks and personality.

From the perspective of a Political Analyst, the youth vote is declining substantially because the youth side is becoming disengaged from the Political Process. This may be where the whole right wing argument of "political correctness" comes into view, since the older, usually right wing people argue that Political Correctness is turning people against one another and rising tensions amongst people. However, these people are many of the same people who don't really understand what the youth are looking at, put yourself in the youth's shoes, you are looking at a political system where parties don't seem to have anything new about them that can actively appeal to you, you look at the left wing, you look at the right wing and you don't see anyone in there that acts like you do or thinks like you. So you don't vote, it's not that you are disengaged its a matter of seeing old men everywhere you go and although you may be sympathetic to one side or the other you don't feel like voting for the "lesser evil" is really helping or changing anything. If you look at the Election in New Zealand, it had a massive out pour from the younger Generations because to many of them the decision seemed much more clear in comparison, you had a young Social Democrat who ticks all of your boxes and seems to actually care or more of the same old conservative nonsense you didn't agree with in the first place. Jacinda Ardern to a lot of the Kiwi Youth vote was the clear winner, nothing to do with political correctness it was about looks as well as overall message.

-- So what is the change we can make? --

We need an overhaul of the current system, we need at the bare minimum a mini-revolution to a Direct Democracy, where people take their ever-changing views to a public voting area and argue over what they believe, regardless of whether it is publicly accepted or not. We have countries that exist with Semi-Direct Democracies, the most blatant is Switzerland. Switzerland still has a state, but when the state has a law that affects a group of people they allow the public that is affected by a bill to vote on it and change it if need be. For example if you have a bill that changes how much the lowest classes are taxed, the Swiss government allows the areas with the most people of those classes to vote and change the bill before its passed. This lowers the odds of people becoming disengaged with politics as they start to feel empowered by the choices they actually know they can make for the community, and start to feel like their MPs are actually listening to them for a change.

As an Anarchist, it sounds counter-intuitive for me to explain this, but it is a change that i can get behind. I may not agree with the concept of a state. But many people do, and i do have a diplomatic bone in my body that wants people to feel represented, not by a businessman posing as politician in a porno but an actual body with a soul and emotions, with views that change and can change the world, possibly for the better. We as a human race can put our differences aside and stop blaming the other side in regards to party politics but at the moment, the media loves to play us against each other in every way that keeps us ignorant enough to allow the richest and most affluent in society to keep fucking us all over.

This is me being incredibly diplomatic and trying to play to the average person, the person reading this who may feel left behind in all this mess, the person who might be a Trump supporter because he speaks to you or you feel he's the bulldozer America needs to start again, the person who supported Bernie Sanders and is incredibly angry that you've gotten landed with the complete opposite person you wanted, the person who worked their ass off in a job that you enjoyed just to be left redundant, the person who is scared to come out to your parents and family because they'll reject you, the person who is an anarchist at heart but doesn't say anything because you'll be shunned, we all have our differences, human beings are like that. But for what it's worth, those views you have, that people may disagree with, do have to be heard, but there is a time and manner in which they should be said. It's not political correctness, it's not special snowflakes or Feminists that are against your right to speak, it's called a time and a place, not to mention a manner in which those things are said. Anarchists get a bad wrap for being aggressive and very much "our way or the high way" but hear me out on this, this goes to other Anarchists as well, there needs to be an overhaul of our current system, because even if we had a Semi-direct democracy, i don't think we'd have as much of an issue with punching Nazi's if those people we call Nazi's were actually allowed to open their mouths and speak in a controlled environment where they were allowed to speak freely, AND be freely corrected and educated by those who disagree or know more about the subject than they do, an education to the right wing isn't a silence to your freedoms, it's called learning. On top of this 10% of what you learn in the first stages of your life to be factual will be proven to be either utter bullshit or untrue by the time you die, so it's not political correctness, it's re-evaluating what we know to actually be true.


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