Could a major part of the Left actually be Libertarian?

in #politics7 years ago

One thing that strikes me is the large amount of people who vote for parties that support one or other form of communism, particularly in Europe.

I've talked to many of them (generally they are young people/adults) and I was able to understand something: many of the reasons that make them vote that way are moral topics, such as abortion, gay marriage and adoption, surrogate mothers, etc.

And because far-left parties support the legalization of all this issues, they vote for them. The problem is, there's a lot more inside the package, namely big socialist ideas.

I don't think many of these people understand that problem, being driven by moral topics and nothing else. Truth is, there are no true alternatives for them. Unlike the U.S., the word Libertarian is a microscopic crumb in Europe.

I'm very curious to know what'd happen if reasonable sized Libertarian parties were to exist in Europe. Maybe, just maybe, a major part of the Left would switch.

That would be great news.

Bonus: find out if you're a libertarian here.

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