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RE: EU Declaring US Tax changes "Illegal"??? I didn't realize we were part of and subservient to the EU. Hey EU... get your own house in order and keep your nose out of ours!!

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

his mommy forgot to dress him properly.
and no...the EU has NO say in what we do internally.
I get a kick out of watching them whine and scream.
Maybe next war we'll just stay home...let em take care of it themselves.

actually the russians I've met on line seem like good people..
some of the eurps...not so much.


Hahaha.... Yeah I saw that. :) He was hot. You know all of that global warming.

Yeah, I've met Russians online and about 10 years ago I met a married couple that came to the U.S. to work in some restaurants for the summer. In those summer months here they made enough to live comfortably (both of them) for 2 years. The guy was a several degree black belt. I worked out with him once... he punched friggin' hard. :)

from what I've seen online..
Russia reminds me a LOT of west texas in the fifties and sixties.

Just more vodka.

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