Do Democrats Care About Hunter Biden?

in #politics2 years ago

Do Democrats care about Hunter Biden? They want to ignore him and focus primarily on Donald Trump because it's a convenient talking point for them. They don't actually care about young girls who have been assaulted by the Biden family. Not to mention, we all know Hollywood and the FBI are in on it too.
Democrats will let them sniff and fuck whatever they want.

Progressives are no better; they continuously stay silent about girls who are abused by rich elites.
This is why you cannot trust AOC, Demings, Bernie Sanders, Cori Booker, or any other of these woke progressives.

Donald Trump got raided, while Hunter Biden goes on vacation... Probably looking for more little girls.


The death of the rule of law, as liberals slip into the abyss; dragging us all down with them.

You are 100% correct here, law is two faced these days! A national disaster!!!!


When the law and government doesn't deserve respect you have a duty to no longer follow or respect the laws

In a Time of Universal Deceit — Telling the Truth Is a Revolutionary Act!

George Orwell


what's even scarier than a politicized FBI and federal government is the close relationship between big tech and companies like facebook and the government. Obviously we know that the FBI approached FB and basically squashed the Hunter Biden story but beyond that it recently came out they were turning over completely legal messages from conservatives to the FBI if they didn't like the election results or didn't support Joe Biden

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