Coward in Chief The country needed leadership from the president after Charlottesville. It didn't get it.

in #politics7 years ago


On Saturday, the world saw hate on full display in the quaint and beautiful Virginia city of Charlottesville. White supremacists gathered there for a "Unite the Right" event, and deadly violence and terror ensued.

Then, when the world needed to see moral leadership from the president of the United States, it got cowardice instead.

Donald Trump, from his New Jersey golf course, said, "We're closely following the terrible events unfolding in Charlottesville, Virginia. We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides."

Trump's inability to condemn white supremacy for the cancer that it is on our society is downright pathetic. What happened in Charlottesville was an act of domestic terrorism by white supremacists and should be called out as such. It's encouraging to see leaders within the Republican Party, such as Sens. Cory Gardner, Colo.; Marco Rubio, Fla.; Orrin Hatch, Utah; John Mccain, Ariz.; Speaker Paul Ryan and others stepping forward to address and condemn the evil and call it out by name.The "alt-right" is an extreme movement that has been denounced by many within the conservative circle and the Republican Party – but this hateful fringe has not been condemned by the president. The alt-right was fueled by people close to the president, such as Steve Bannon, who made Breitbart the publication and platform of the movement. Rather than denounce the alt-right, Trump propped up its champion throughout the campaign and then made him his White House chief strategist.
The problem is that Trump has no problem calling out Islamic terrorism or the mainstream media in very specific terms, but seems to struggle when it comes to naming the evil of white supremacy. The alt-right does not represent conservative values and conservatives do not wish to be associated with the bigotry and hatred they spew – they have no room within the conservative movement and no room in the United States.

Let's be clear: There is no space for hatred or bigotry of any kind in our country and our country's leaders – specifically our president – must be willing to stand up against it. We are the United States of America and we are not defined by our differences but by our humanity, and its time we all come together to remember that. Love will always trump hate.


Upvoted and resteemed but it makes me sick as an American that this man is our president but we didn't have much of a choice last election. But the biggest thing is this proves he doesn't care about people it is about the bottom line only. And he States the economy is doing recordly better I don't see that shit helping me or anyone around me as a single male in.his 39 years I pay 300 dollars a month for basic insurance that us with the Obama care help and with that it is still 75 dollars to go to the doctor 100 to a specialist. The USA is a shell of what it used to be heck I wouldn't mind bill Clinton running again if he could. Sorry for my rant but our leaders have zero idea what it's like to pay bills they all come from families with money. We need a leader that is a real person someone who has struggled. This is not just for Americans but world wide look at your leader see that he or she has zero in common with the common man

You sure you don't work for CNN? @epeakinfo
Awful lot of BS in this article.

sad episode. :( US point fingers around and in US the WhiteS mdfkers are committing horrible acts long time ago.

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