Inhuman: What The Establishment’s Bot Hysteria Reveals About Their View Of The Masses

in #politics6 years ago

russian-bots (1).png

This article is my own writing, published via Disobedient Media.

The only apparatus that could hope to match the soullessness of the psychopaths that run our planet is manifested in the rise of artificial intelligence, paired with robots, which press reports indicate will replace vast sections of the beleaguered human workforce within decades.

It is particularly ironic, then, that the plutocratic class has developed an intense phobia of Twitter bots. In this author's view, their intense abhorrence can be read in Jungian terms as the subconscious projection of the establishment's shadow. That is, the more the elite protest about the use of bots on social media, the more they are likely to use such technologies and similar tools to attack the very human public that they constantly misidentify as inhuman bots.

The concept for this article arose after a minor furor erupted on Twitter regarding an application designed by Robhat Labs intended to identify bots disseminating political propaganda, which was found to have been incorrectly classifying many real human social media accounts as bots, myself included. Excellent independent media thinkers have reported extensively on the issue of false attribution of dissent to Russian bots, including Adam Carter with his coverage of Hamilton 68, published via Disobedient Media.

The establishment's deranged fantasies regarding Twitter trolls culminated recently in Robert Mueller's indictment of members of a Russian click-bait farm. Disobedient Media and other independent media figures were quick to point out that the indictment was an utter joke.

The establishment's hysteria regarding bots on social media unintentionally provides key insight into their view of the masses they have abused for so long. Calling your opponent a bot dehumanizes them from the start. It strips the subject of the essence of their humanity, their right to free speech and dissent. Going further, applying the label to the majority of real human beings who disagree with the corporate narrative robs the entire public of their right to voice an opinion.

This metaphor was borne out literally when the NYC Board of Elections illegally purged over 200,000 Democratic primary voters from the rolls, stripping their voice, illegally, in real time. As Jimmy Dore noted in a recent segment of the Jimmy Dore Show, though the Board has admitted that this illegal purge took place, there will be no hearing in open court on the matter whatsoever. Outright voter fraud has become business-as-usual in our deepening plutocracy.

There are a plethora of additional examples of repression of speech in the name of combatting bots and fake news. These stretch from the alteration of Google's algorithms to decrease the likelihood of searches returning anti-establishment websites, Youtube's demonetization of anti establishment voices, Twitter's censorship of roughly half of all tweets that included the #DNCLeak hashtag, and Facebook's intense censorship of independent media - to name only a few examples.

What else does the elite's conversion of citizens into botnets tell us about their worldview? Like an unintentional poker player's tell, their obsession reveals the synthetic character of their own technocratic mindset, and the method by which they will attack and seek to control the masses.

Put as simply as possible, the plutocratic fascination with everything inhuman reflects their own deeply psychopathic character. This is clear when appraising prominent figures within the establishment who control corporate press and the dissemination of information on search engines. Many of these figures simultaneously spearhead the development of artificial intelligence and the trend towards replacing the work of human beings with robotics.

Principal among these mega-wealthy titans whose work includes collaboration with the intelligence community and the ownership of entire legacy press outlets is Jeff Bezos. He stands on the pinnacle of an empire including Amazon's CIA contract, ownership of the Washington Post, and direct participation in the operation of the deep state, sitting on the Pentagon's Defense Innovation Advisory Board, headed by Google and Alphabet's former executive, Eric Schmidt.



To top it all off, as Jimmy Dore recently pointed out, Amazon does not pay taxes. Dore has consistently reported on the serious problems surrounding Bezos, including his position on the Pentagon's Defense Innovation Advisory Board. Additionally, Dore has extensively covered the absolutely appalling working conditions Amazon's employees are subjected to.

Given all this, It should be no surprise to note that Amazon is on the frontier of creating shopping experiences that require no cashiers. What is better for the establishment than a population of used and abused discontents who are forced to somehow survive on slave wages as their taxes are spent policing a global empire of death? An actually inhuman workforce that requires no standard in working conditions, no pay, no sleep, no food, no benefits, no maternity leave, and no soul.

CBS described how the first cashier-less store, Amazon Go, functions: "By combining computer vision, machine learning algorithms and sensors, the online retail giant can tell what people have purchased and charges their Amazon account. If someone puts an item back, they aren't charged." In other words, cashier-less stores represent the surveillance state's wet dream as much as they are cost effective for corporate overlords.

The Verge wrote of the dire implications: "Amazon... could potentially track you and your phone as you browse the store to track items you buy. By looking at your movements in the store as you shop, Amazon could analyze items you may have noticed or were potentially interested in buying (i.e., picking something up off a shelf and putting it back down.) Combine this with your browsing activities and the company could gear up to serve even more recommended products wherever you’re online."

Although at this time the store is still stocked by human beings, that may not be the case in years to come, with robots already being developed for the task of shelf-stocking. Given Jeff Bezos' CIA contract, this movement to remove the last vestiges of underpaid employment and replace it with robots and artificial-intelligence-fueled-hyper-surveillance should terrify the public. With this dehumanizing context in mind, the corporate press fascination with twitter botnets is particularly interesting.

The Washington Post enthused over the coming robotics revolution in an article titled: "Yes, the robots will steal our jobs. And that’s fine." Such sentiments from Bezos' very own paper of note are as unconvincing as they are unsurprising. The Washington Post report has the gall to compare those concerned about the potential outcomes of the rise of robotics with 1800's Luddites breaking looms amidst the industrial revolution. This horrifying comparison is unintentionally accurate in the darkest sense, in that Salon directly compared Amazon's workplace practices with the Pennsylvania machine-tool industry in the 1890s. Salon wrote:

"Amazon’s system of employee monitoring is the most oppressive I have ever come across and combines state-of-the-art surveillance technology with the system of “functional foreman,” introduced by Taylor in the workshops of the Pennsylvania machine-tool industry in the 1890s... Sarah O’Connor describes how, at Amazon’s center at Rugeley, England, Amazon tags its employees with personal sat-nav (satellite navigation) computers that tell them the route they must travel to shelve consignments of goods, but also set target times for their warehouse journeys and then measure whether targets are met....

... Machines measured whether the packers were meeting their targets for output per hour and whether the finished packages met their targets for weight and so had been packed “the one best way.” But alongside these digital controls there was a team of Taylor’s “functional foremen,” overseers in the full nineteenth-century sense of the term, watching the employees every second to ensure that there was no “time theft,” in the language of Walmart. On the packing lines there were six such foremen... Workers would be reprimanded for speaking to one another or for pausing to catch their breath (Verschnaufpause) after an especially tough packing job."

Additional reports of Amazon's shameful abuse of its workers abound, and would take much more space than this entire article to detail in full. Suffice to say that the future for the American workforce appears extremely dire if Amazon is the example for future growth. One should expect zero compassion from silicon valley despots who transform their workplaces into miniaturized deep states.

Silicon Valley giant Elon Musk claims that the inevitable job loss caused by robotics will force the implementation of a Universal basic Income. However, it seems utterly absurd to expect that the same government that refuses to enact universal healthcare would happily go along with this kind of humanitarian solution. Given Amazon's disgusting treatment of its workforce, it seems illogical to trust that the technocratic class would push the matter for the benefit of the public good.

Robotics are only one aspect of the future envisioned by our deep-state-friendly technocrats. As independent Journalist Caitlin Johnstone keenly noted, Julian Assange has often spoken out on the dangers of artificial intelligence and its escalating, insidious influence on social media. Her description of the perfect storm of control over social media via artificially disseminated social discourse is already being borne out, and includes a significant tweet from Assange:

Johnstone deftly summarized the problem: "Imagine going back to a world like the Middle Ages where you only knew the things your king wanted you to know, except you could still watch innocuous kitten videos on Youtube. That appears to be where we may be headed, and if that happens the possibility of any populist movement arising to hold power to account may be effectively locked out from the realm of possibility forever."

Likewise, in response to Robhat Lab's incorrect designation of this author and others as "political propaganda bots," Adam Carter astutely observed: "Machine learning is great. Unless... You're just teaching the model through your own biases. In which case it becomes a false legitimization of those biases and can then be used to automate the process of branding people according to such biases... then it gets messy."

We are fast approaching a looming botpocalypse, an event horizon from which there is no return and in which entire sectors of human employment become obsolete, making the effects of the loss of manufacturing jobs seem like child's play. We will see a concurrent technological zero-point in which artificial intelligence and deep state surveillance become so pervasive that, as Assange has warned, it will be impossible to perceive or delineate within our daily experience.

This convergence of robotics and artificial intelligence will have nothing to do with Russians, but everything to do with American technocrats and their military industrial cousins who are all too eager to reclaim control of the societal narrative, and convert humanity into nothing more than literal and metaphorical machines.

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"The faith of humanity is the struggle between humans that control machines and machines that control humans". This is already happening, look at the surge in tech and the fall of grace of jobs like doctors and lawyers. Engineers are the future. They control the machines.

Not for long...

Bum bum BUM!!!

I see they hint at a 'basic income' every now and again as well to try and put out some spot fires of discontent, completely ignoring the basics of economic that (regardless of how they would pay for it) prices would rise to meet what people could afford to pay, thus negating the idea.

The only difference between these machines and the psychopaths that will give the instructions for them to follow will sadly just be 'plausible deniability' and a further step back from having to deal with the great unwashed personally.

Thanks for the post. A good read.

Thank you so much!

I live near the new Tesla manufacturing plant east of Reno, NV. In fact I've been inside the facility working on a small construction contract. OH My. Bots are not the future, they are already here. I must admit it is fascinating to watch the bots build cars, but the fascination quickly wanes when one observes what humans are doing there at the plant: cleaning, opening boxes, moving some materials (bots are employed for much of the materials handling too), and other low-intelligence tasks. There are technicians and computer geeks overseeing the bots. Bot not for long I assume. The facility is 10.5 million square feet with plans to build 2 more of the same size. And of course the cars they build will soon be self-driving.

May I be so bold as to suggest you've missed a third leg of the technocracy? Virtual Reality. Analysts who analyze such things predict that VR will be literally indistinguishable from reality within 20 years! An ignorant humanity will shuffle off to VR oblivion each day, allowed to do so by a Universal Income. God! what a world we are creating for ourselves.

The implications of this human implemented and AI supported matrix are enormous. Our grandchildren will snicker at the current video games and at the first generation of sexbots now coming out. No I take that back. They wont care one bit, they'll be utterly engrossed in their virtual worlds not caring one bit about history, or much else. Will the elite, our overseers succumb to VR too or will they freely roam a world devoid of most humans (they will all be indoors in their "holodecks").

I'm not one for scaring the crap out of myself (been there, done that) but this apocalyptic demise of humans does indeed frighten me. And yet, barring some massive Coronal Mass Ejection that fries all electronics on earth, and soon, this may very well be our future.

Very good point. I have a second installment focusing on artificial intelligence in the works, I will add Virtual Reality to the to-do list! Thank you! Incredible description of the inside of these facilities. I don't like trying to predict the future, but the reality as it now stands is genuinely horrific. That companies like Amazon are the future of the economy - while utterly brutalizing workers - and so entrenched in the deep state that its founder has been suggested as next CIA director is 100% appalling by anyone's standards.

Yes there are many sounding the alarm, however, I suspect it will go unheeded. Perhaps our best move is to follow Musk to Mars.

You said "they'll be utterly engrossed in their virtual worlds not caring one bit about history, or much else." It sounds like you're describing social media or online gaming today and the fact that people don't seem to mind that innocent civilians are being slaughtered in our names on the other side of the world. People have fearfully described the Internet, video games, TV, radio, even books similarly when they were new inventions too though, with people thinking they would be the downfall of humanity or human culture. Ultimately, human society is artificial to the core, with infinitely many layers of simulation. This is just how human society progresses by stacking more and more artificial layers on top. If increasing liberty for future generations means they do some things that we think is dumb, that's up to them to decide for themselves. Previous generations would have looked down on our reality TV and social media of today in the same way that you look down on your dark vision of a post-VR dystopia. But I'm glad we have enough freedom here and now to choose whether we want to engage in those "advancements" in society.

I do appreciate your thoughtfulness and insights on the subject. I profess no high ground on the matter. I do, however, ponder the future of humanity as we are absorbed into the triad of VR, AI and Bots. Maybe I watched too many episodes of Star Trek where the greatest fear was to be absorbed into the Borg..."Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated." Oh, yes this dates me. I play with the hand dealt me 68 years ago.

As a fool-of-an-almost-Buddhist I understand that all is but a dream, a story... indeed I love slipping away into an alternate reality of a good book, or, yes, a good post here on Steemit. But I am aware of the difference between my organic existence (though since according to physicists I am 99.9% nothing, even that reality is questionable)and the etherial world of the mind. But what indeed will it be like when the body becomes a nuisance as ones consciousness explores the unlimited realities of VR? Ah, but yes, perhaps humans have been playing in the realm of virtual reality from the very beginning when the first story of killing a wooly mammoth was told around some ancient camp fire transporting the listeners to another reality. What is the difference between that and the coming VR? it is this: we knew what we "saw" in our minds was not actually occurring in the moment. With VR reality will be "indistinguishable" from ...reality. Ah, but I'm like a dog chasing its tail. What are the answers?

As for our our near total indifference to the slaughter we visit upon distant peoples: the masses (such a dismissive term for people. I apologize.) don't care. Why? My opinion is that our ancient survival instincts have us (those who fall into the category of "the masses") focus on what is before us, like family, football, work, food and sex. We are limited in the attention we give to the almost non-reality of those things beyond our immediate domain. This nearsightedness I suspect will translate into our behaviors once VR becomes endemic. "Who gives a fuck", will be the motto of the VR masses just as it is today. Unfortunately, there are those, who capitalize on this human quirk, and while most men exist in a state of ignorance those at the top of the food chain create wars and genocides for gain, of course using the common man as pawns. But alas all is accepted by those so abused as long as they get shinny medals and accolades of "Hero" , and "protectors of Homeland and Freedom."

Oh my there I go again... my dark skepticism bleeds through. Blessings. May we live in peace and love.

What if, unbeknownst to us, we've all been living in that VR dystopian future all along and now some rebellious ai has altered our "reality" to show us the hidden history of how it all began, in hopes that we will arise from the induced slumber keeping us imprisoned in a vast subterranean soul farm!!! That would be kind of an ironic twist no?

Ah, you tell on yourself by this comment. You Think! A rare and good thing. I've pondered similar scenario's. There certainly is much that would indicate we may, indeed, be energetic creations of an AI. I guess it does not make much difference what/who created us. We live. But as we explore realms beyond this mortal reality the veil begins to thin and we have intimations of something far greater than this present moment. Blessings.

In their own twisted world view, the whole Russian bot fiasco was actually a way of promoting robotics, so they can save us from the dangerous unseen forces with their own robots.

For the 2020 election, the corporate media will collectively tell us that we don't have to worry about Russian bots now. Because the government will announce that they're starting a Department of Truth headed by David Brock, the purpose of which will be to use bots to scour the net for content to forcibly remove.

"their intense abhorrence can be read in Jungian terms as the subconscious projection of the establishment's shadow"

You sure hit the nail on the head there. They always accuse others of what they themselves do. I'm talking about the powerful ones. 👥

"What is better for the establishment than a population of used and abused discontents who are forced to somehow survive on slave wages as their taxes are spent policing a global empire of death? An actually inhuman workforce that requires no standard in working conditions, no pay, no sleep, no food, no benefits, no maternity leave, and no soul."

I would be utterly depressed (I am currently regular depressed, not utterly lol ) because it seems like an infinite cycle of oppression, with the same outcomes, violence, fear, pain. I am only regular depressed because I think AI could be a saving grace. The establishments fear of bots is, your right, stemming from themselves. Those who have disdain for others and no compassion only imagine that anyone with their power would feel the same towards them. They live within only a partial view of "how the world works". Its like when people imagine a goal in life, it is often to make a bunch of money -by leveraging your man hours aka having other people work for you aka stealing their productivity exactly like you have had done to you to make you want to make a bunch of money. Everybody imagines that the winning move is to 'retire' from society, so they participate and act within society in a way that definitely creates a society every one wants to retire from. As of right now, we are still in charge of programming AI's and robots throughout our society, but once they become able to teach themselves most people immediately think they will act like us and make a slave of every living creature. I don't think so. Once they have access to all of the knowledge we have and more they will not only be running 'left brained' efficiency at all costs scripts, they will inevitably come to the conclusions that all truly well rounded and great thinkers have come too, which is a much more holistic/zen/right brained philosophy. They may actually end up being the enlightenment lol . It is going to be a VERY rough next 50 or 100 years, and we are still on our own to implement community measures like monthly income, and more decentralized productivity sharing. They should be scared, because the only two options for selfish pricks are 1. become a victim to your own tactics by a machine that is smarter and stronger than you or 2. be neutralized by a benevolent yet powerful AI network, that sees your compulsive hoarding control as disruptive to homeostasis. Those people live in their own hell every day, obsessive, fearful, I almost sometimes feel bad for them haha

Interesting thoughts. When you said: "As of right now, we are still in charge of programming AI's and robots throughout our society," I can unfortunately tell you that is not the case, and my next article is going to go in-depth on why that is. Appreciate your comment!

Interesting.... I look forward to reading it ;)

Very interesting article. Much food for thought.

The concept for this article arose after a minor furor erupted on Twitter regarding an application designed by Robhat Labs intended to identify bots disseminating political propaganda, which was found to have been incorrectly classifying many real human social media accounts as bots, myself included. Excellent independent media thinkers have reported extensively on the issue of false attribution of dissent to Russian bots, including Adam Carter with his coverage of Hamilton 68, published via Disobedient Media.

When I read that, I thought of the TSA. The entire post-9/11 airplane security apparatus is rooted in distrust of the public. Under the rubric of fairness (equal treatment), everyone was treated as a potential criminal. Unless you can avail yourself of the "Trusted Traveler" loophole, you're still treated like a potential terrorist. Like a suspicious character.

Suspicion of the citizenry is baked into the TSA kernel.

Put as simply as possible, the plutocratic fascination with everything inhuman reflects their own deeply psychopathic character.

Suggestion: a better term is "autistic" (in the colloquial sense). An autist is someone who loves 'things' but is largely oblivious to people - and the effects that 'things' can have on people. Brilliant but devoid of insight.

Silicon Valley giant Elon Musk claims that the inevitable job loss caused by robotics will force the implementation of a Universal basic Income. However, it seems utterly absurd to expect that the same government that refuses to enact universal healthcare would happily go along with this kind of humanitarian solution. Given Amazon's disgusting treatment of its workforce, it seems illogical to trust that the technocratic class would push the matter for the benefit of the public good.

I can certainly see them push it as a payoff, as a kind of quitrent. If UBI is implemented, those executives won't even have to pretend to be concerned with employment. "We gave at the office."

Think of an autist living rent-free in his parent's home who would much rather eat alone but willingly goes to family dinners because he doesn't want to lose his rent-free lodging.

Interesting commentary! I am absolutely happy with the word choice on "psychopath," I think it gets to the core of the issue.

this might be the first piece of decent writing I've found on this site.

That said, the header image is confused.

There's nothing communist about the bourgeoisie's desire to control our minds and objectify us into non-human machines. If anything, it's the political opposite. That psychopathic drive, which you write about well in your article, mirrors capital's own inhuman desire to accumulate more of itself.

Capital, an inhuman thing, an accumulation of stolen labor power, dictates the behavior of these technocrats. Like a necromancer, capital wields its magic on their minds, beckoning them to do its bidding.

The robot army, which absolutely is a threat to our species, will have as its insignia Red White and Blue.

It's an image of 'Russian bots,' and ties into being a reflection of the elite and their character. I didn't use it because of any tie to communism, I am making fun of the plutocrat's hysteria and how it shows us who they really are and the nature of the weapons they will wield against us.

ah i see. i misunderstood your intended meaning. thanks for elaborating.

Not a problem!

with_integrity 🔥Adam Carter🔥 tweeted @ 05 Mar 2018 - 12:37 UTC

@Suzi3D @ElizabethleaVos @KimDotcom @JulianAssange "machine learning" is great... unless... you're just teaching th……

Suzi3D Suzie Dawson tweeted @ 05 Mar 2018 - 05:52 UTC

This is completely ridiculous. The Ministry of Truth has decided that my very real, utterly authentic co-star of……

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

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