How I felt about America before Trump won the election

in #politics8 years ago

This following is a big problem with how America acts today... You know besides the racism that's ingrained in our society, yet we like to pretend doesn't exist. Also as an environmentalist, having a climate change denier put in charge of the EPA really hurts. It's one thing to think God is going to fix the damage we've done, it's another to deny we've done any damage.

Our infrastructure system was great when it was built. When the marginal tax rate on the rich was 91%, and they were happy to pay it because they were true Americans, and they realized how much value it would add to this country. How it would make this country a better place for everyone. Somehow today though we cannot figure out how to rebuild it without throwing ourselves into debt to another country. There is a reason why things are like that. It is these people's children and grandchildren who were spoiled rotten and never learned the value of a dollar. Who lobby for tax cuts, and call any increase in taxes socialism. Who cut the legs out from under the working class. Who hide their money in the Grand Cayman, so that it won't go back into our country. Who ship our jobs to other countries, and lay off working class Americans. Who do all of this so that they can buy another yacht. It is brats like this who have made our country into something akin to a parable from Karl Marx. It is these individuals who have ruined what patriotism and pride in America is about. It's this selfish school of thought that has caused the vast income inequality we see today. So by all means if you think that electing one of these spoiled brats who has never known the value of a dollar, and was handed an empire that he has mismanaged thoroughly, leaving a trail of bankruptcies, lawsuits, sweatshop labor, "visa-workers", and Americans who feel cheated in its wake... A man who doesn't understand hard work or humility or what it's like to earn your keep... A man who is sexist, racist, and all around intolerant to any other culture...A man whose ego is so big he thinks that being president is just a game... A man who never had to struggle feeding his family or paying the bills or figuring out how to buy presents around the holidays for his kids because he made his money cheating the people who do... A man whose wife accused him of rape for Chrissake... Then vote for Trump. Have at it... I'm sure he is going to really fix the middle class, the same middle class he has cheated his whole life.


The American people asked for this, this is gonna be such a gas : )

This is truly gonna be a blast ! ! ! ;)

I think this pretty much takes america out of First World Status . . .

I really can't understand why Americans are still in an uproar over Trump's victory; the same thing happened when Obama was elected into office. So why complain? Think one man's gonna change this country for the better? The answer is a big, bold , NO. No wonder Europeans and China are laughing at us cuz we deserve it.

One man with control of the house and the senate, packing every major office with billionaires, and not to mention he may be picking up more than just one supreme court justice in his lifetime that will dictate our countries policy for the next few decades. Not to mention that he's been a conman his whole life.... He may not change it for the better but he can definitely change it for the worse.

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