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RE: Direct Democracy is Not Socialism!

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

Interesting approach. How do you see the 90% threshold working? In Switzerland they have for almost everything a referendum. Mostly the vote to the referendum is NO, not only in Switzerland but also with the recent referenda held in various European countries. Based on referenda held, we learned the importance of how the question is asked; Same topic can have a different outcomes because of that.
I really like the idea of a high threshold, since I do not believe in a good part of the voters understand the consequences of their vote. With the high threshold, these votes may not be determining the outcome anymore. However, the challenge with the high threshold is to still keep the system dynamic rather than stagnating the society.


Well the 90% is arbitrary, it can very well be 89.75% too, that is not the point. We should find a number that ensures both social flexibility and evolution of humanity, and also as much sovereignty to the individual as possible. So I believe the number 90% is good for this. Maybe 75%, but I would personally not go lower than that.

Switzerland has already been debunked, it's not DD. You need to collect signatures and they have all sorts of checks and balances. It's still a representative democracy, and you can only have referendum on certain topics, so the questions are controlled, it's an Overton Window, it's just that it's less opressive than other countries. It's still not a free country.

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