Russian hacker articles I've written on here...

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

I wrote a political piece a few minutes ago that allowed me to put into words a number of things I have been trying to think of a good way to approach. I am mostly satisfied. I left out a lot, but to add that would have made it far longer than it already was.

I mentioned Russian Hacker articles I had written on steemit. Because, it can be difficult at the moment to quickly find older steemit articles I wanted to share the relevant posts here.

Catching a hacker... how much does media play upon public ignorance?

Is there evidence of "Russian" hacking or is it in fact alphabet agency propaganda?

The Truth... The Lies... The Hacking... French Fries...


Sorry, but I can not really get into the topic, I read the first article and yes I also think it is all fabricated bs. But even if it was true, the spin, you mentioned in the other article, from 'leaked emails prove Hillary committed election fraud' to 'the leaking of the emails is election fraud' is so laughable, that I can not respect anyone buying into it.

I normally try to not be condescending but it feels like trying to argue with a child about Santa Claus.

I still appreciate you putting all this info together for anyone who actually believes in the fairy tail of the Russia hack. It is just that I don't need to be convinced. ;)

Some people do need to be convinced. :) A lot of different people out there. People do buy into that election fraud line here in the U.S. That has been their first big attack they used against Trump here before he had even been inaugurated. They haven't really stopped. They just spin it in a new direction and keep recycling the same bullshit and unfortunately a lot of people seem to buy into this crap. That's how propaganda tends to work out though when it is handled properly.

yeah, I was about to say something like "That's why also part of the American people are to blame...". But in Europe it is pretty much the same.

For us it is the Brexit. Everybody keeps saying: Those Brexiters hurt their own economy and only want out of the EU because they are racist.
Right after the original Brexit vote they tried to spin a narrative of 'People did not know what they voted for, so we need to repeat the votum'.

I also love the argument that no EU automatically leads to another inner European war. You know because you can't just be friendly neighbours, that would be a crazy idea.

Russia (pron. seth-rich) -

  1. The source of the DNC email leaks that we've known about for eight to nine months now, yet everyone is suddenly giving a fuck because the mainstream media says it's time to give a fuck.
  2. Murrica (fuck ya!)

You know it. :)

It is what it is.

That fact that the MSM are trying to downplay the Seth Rich story as a mad conspiracy theory is proof that we're on to something.

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