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RE: My definition of Socialism and why you do not need force to realize it

in #politics7 years ago

mask ban LAW after all

I am a realist. I do believe in anarchism. Yet, I've stated many times we are not where we need to be for that to work. So the mask ban law was within the confines of how things are today. If we go the way I am saying is my long term goal then I don't see a need for anything like that.

This is a case of you confusing me being a realist based upon the world around us today with the world I would like to see, but we currently do not live in.

The masks wouldn't protect such people if they used aggression. Non-Aggression principle does not mean will not defend.

If they want to stand out there and shout in masks and don't destroy property or attack people it won't be an issue. If the do those things then they are fair game as far as the NAP.


I am a realist. I do believe in anarchism. Yet, I've stated many times we are not where we need to be for that to work.

Yes, you do. But I am a pragmatist and that actually means that I hate it when people offer solutions that are not applicable in our current world. It reminds me of myself when i always argued "but my ideas should work in an ideal world".

Sure there has been the episode known as "Aufklärung" in German History where the private citiziens successfully stripped the Church and Monarchs from their power through science, education and the development of new political and philosophical ideas, at least as an aftermath. If us exchanging ideas via Steemit will help to raise awareness about social problems then that might be a very valuable contribution for future generations.

But I am greedy I want more than that. And you tried to do more as well by supporting Ron Paul. I never did such a thing and I truly envy you even though you had a very negative experience trying to change the system from the inside.

very negative experience

Yes, I witnessed how rigged and corrupt it is even at that level. Though there are a lot of changes happening in the U.S. right now. Perhaps from within may someday actually be feasible. It is hard to say.

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