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RE: My definition of Socialism and why you do not need force to realize it

in #politics7 years ago

left liberalism

The problem with these labels is that most people using them today have no clue what they really mean and they have turned them into some mutant monster of what they were supposed to mean.

So when you use that label on yourself you get mentally lumped with all of THEM. The only way to avoid this is to spend a long time explaining what you mean and how many people will give you a chance to do that? How much time do you have? How comfortable are you with having to constantly repeat yourself?

This is why I say I am an individual. I will qualify and say I see Anarcho-Capitalism as the long term goal I'd like to see and it would likely happen well after I am dead. I do not believe it would work today as our education system is crap and it does require people to be self responsible, and own up to their own mistakes rather than looking for scapegoats.

If I had to pick what I am actually closest to it is Libertarian with an emphasis on absolutely minimizing the size of the government to the smallest we could get it. Sometimes people call this Minarchist when they are having fun with labels and insist on putting people into boxes.

I don't actually fit into any particular box, not Libertarian, not Anarcho-Capitalist, etc.

I guess I do fit into the VOLUNTARYIST box. I do believe everything should be voluntary. I do not believe other people should be able to FORCE you to do things or that you should be able to FORCE others to do things.


The problem with these labels is that most people using them today have no clue what they really mean and they have turned them into some mutant monster of what they were supposed to mean.

My point exactly

How comfortable are you with having to constantly repeat yourself?

Yeah maybe I will go over to call myself a social libertarian sounds exotic and think I get lumped up with "better" people ;)

I don't actually fit into any particular box,

For me you are a social Libertarian as well. That does not mean that I think we agree on all topics, but you actually talk A LOT about moral values and our Steemit communinty. I never trusted the rumor that you spread about being an anarchist, you agreed on the mask ban LAW after all. We need to learn a state can be something small that is actually organized by the people living in it and not just a tax collector. I actually can not find any counter to the logic argument of taxation being theft, so I have to agree with that. But state can also be a framework in which people can live as free as possible.

There are also occasions were the freedom can hinder the freedom of another. Like when you want to get in the bus, but it is full of people. There is nothing directly forcing you to stay out of the bus, but the freedom of all others to take the bus stops you from getting the bus.

Secret societies formed voluntaristic and they are most likely the ruling class at the moment. But hey, I am actually convinced that every person has good intentions somewhere in it's heart so maybe if people show that we are ready to live in a new form of society they will cease their power and influence.

Thanks for the intense commenting, I do appreciate it a lot, my friend :)

For me you are a social Libertarian

That is kind of redundant to me. Libertarian to me means socially liberal, and fiscally conservative. :) Liberal in the classic sense, not the modern mutant monster sense.

mask ban LAW after all

I am a realist. I do believe in anarchism. Yet, I've stated many times we are not where we need to be for that to work. So the mask ban law was within the confines of how things are today. If we go the way I am saying is my long term goal then I don't see a need for anything like that.

This is a case of you confusing me being a realist based upon the world around us today with the world I would like to see, but we currently do not live in.

The masks wouldn't protect such people if they used aggression. Non-Aggression principle does not mean will not defend.

If they want to stand out there and shout in masks and don't destroy property or attack people it won't be an issue. If the do those things then they are fair game as far as the NAP.

I am a realist. I do believe in anarchism. Yet, I've stated many times we are not where we need to be for that to work.

Yes, you do. But I am a pragmatist and that actually means that I hate it when people offer solutions that are not applicable in our current world. It reminds me of myself when i always argued "but my ideas should work in an ideal world".

Sure there has been the episode known as "Aufklärung" in German History where the private citiziens successfully stripped the Church and Monarchs from their power through science, education and the development of new political and philosophical ideas, at least as an aftermath. If us exchanging ideas via Steemit will help to raise awareness about social problems then that might be a very valuable contribution for future generations.

But I am greedy I want more than that. And you tried to do more as well by supporting Ron Paul. I never did such a thing and I truly envy you even though you had a very negative experience trying to change the system from the inside.

very negative experience

Yes, I witnessed how rigged and corrupt it is even at that level. Though there are a lot of changes happening in the U.S. right now. Perhaps from within may someday actually be feasible. It is hard to say.

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