If I was hired to do the job of the investigators in Washington and did what they've been doing, I'd likely have been fired long ago.

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

I am not a fan of government, especially big government. I am not a fan of propaganda and any of you that have read my works here on steemit are likely very much aware of this.

For those who may not know I did not vote for Hillary or Trump. I often find myself defending Trump solely due to the blatant hypocrisy and very obvious bias of the media. I believe in accountability. This extends to Trump yes, but it also extends to Hillary, McCain, the Media, and anyone else. I do not endorse a caste system or double standards.

The thing I found myself thinking about today after listening to a few news shows today was "How long does it take?". They trot out a new person they are interviewing about Russia on a once a week, or once every other week basis. They still have not found any actionable "evidence". Let's be clear this Russia snipe hunt has been going on for 9 months now. It began within a couple of days of the end of the election when the media and establishment somewhat recovered from those initial days of obvious panic and no clear idea what to do. It reminded me of a chicken with its head cut off.

What is really bouncing around in my head today is how long I'd be likely to keep my job if I was as slow and inefficient as these guys. Let's interview a person here, and a person there, and string it out, and spend huge amounts of money. This is pure idiocy if their goal is actually what they claim it is.

However, I don't believe that is their goal. I believe their goal is to keep the focus on this issue for as long as possible, keep uncertainty fueled, and to string along these non-issues for as long as popular so they hinder and slow dealing with actual issues. There is some indication that this has been the plan as then come the next elections for Senators and Congressmen they are hoping the Democrats will regain some seats. It might work, if the American public is naive. For the slowing and ineffectiveness is as much the Democratic parties fault as it is some of the entrenched Republicans. The people that actually MIGHT do something find that pretty challenging if not impossible to do when these leeches in both parties that have been around far too long seek to impede them.

The fact we can waste so much time and money on these things is pretty infuriating. I tell people that the only thing government is actually good at producing is waste, and war. This is taking the waste aspect of government to an entirely new level.

If your job was to review evidence would you gather a potential witness list quickly? Would you then make arrangements to interview these witnesses as quickly as possible? Would you string it along for 9 months?

If you found no evidence to back your initial probe, would you then wildly cast your vision about until you could imagine some other angle?

How many times would you repeat this seeking of some other avenue?

Idiocy. To me that is what it is. Pure idiocy if it were intended to do what it publicly claims to be doing.

So if they are not idiots, then we must assume that what they are publicly claiming is not actually the purpose...

EDIT: For you techy geeks like me out there. The government is a less efficient form of TCP, when what we want is UDP.


The one part of your post that said the most to me was the lack of accountability this is not just a problem in the USA but is as bad in the UK and it gets right up my nose and that's being polite, thanks for your post . Cheers mike

Yeah. I see indications this is a global mental pandemic.

The higher they get the less accountable they become. Thank you for your reply, cheers mike

LOL, that was a great way to end it. Still laughing! The first part is no laughing matter though. I gave up on Washington long ago. Thanks for the perspective and the joke , if i ever receive it. LOL

I feel that what happens there is an element of dissatisfaction in one particular organization, thus making an opinion to look for someone's faults.
Actually America is an example of a great country that created a very great democratic system, but it is unfortunate, what happened there, watched by all people around the world.

You make some great points in your post @dwinblood. Waste and abuse run rampant in all areas of the government. My biggest beef is at the end of the fiscal year when organizations feel the rush to make big purchases and use up the remainder of their budget because they are worried they will not get the same level of funding the next fiscal year.
Not to mention I used to review and approve all the travel vouchers in my organization and when I tried to call people out for unnecessary spending, the leadership would just kind of ignore it and find some lame excuses to overlook it: "maybe there wasn't any hotel availability in that town" or "it's an authorized expense". I caught one incident where a guy stayed in a town an hour and a half away and drove all those miles every morning and because I knew the guy, I knew it was because he wanted to hit the bars in that city and he knew the town where he was supposed to stay had zero nightlife. People need to have the cajones to call out when they see that kind of stuff. Just my two cents.

They're all of the same Ilk. There are no politicians only hand puppets. There's the top and the bottom. Everything in between is all smoke and mirrors to keep the conflicts going. Just my opinion and nothing more. I always enjoy your work.

It might work, if the American public is naive.

Not only is the public naive, but they are mostly completely stupid and grossly uninformed, even without a crappy media.

It will work, because nobody in Congress wants to call this what it is and the media has been "progressive" for decades. The right has no balls. The left has no integrity. The media has neither. And the public is just willfully and blissfully stupid and/or apathetic.

But really, the Republicans are just being completely idiotic about almost everything. They have the power to get things done, but they refuse. And this is why Democrats will continue to get their way and keep marching toward their failed "progressive"/socialist goals. Both parties are a failure. The government in general is a failure. Time to try something different...like not forcing people to fund murderous, corrupt nincompoops and their buddies.

Time to try something different...like not forcing people to fund murderous, corrupt nincompoops and their buddies.

Great, just have to convince everyone that votes for new masters every 4 years, faithfully, and those that fill the ranks of enforcers in this criminal enterprise.

Nice 😉😉😉

The best part is that we get to pay for these inefficiencies. Now don't make me mad thinking about that! How many of those elected officials actually represent the people? I would have been fired by now for poor job performance. Thanks. 🐓🐓

Great post my friend :D

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