Do we truly need a government that is more interested on fighting with the other party than doing their job?

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

It has become so much business as usual I wonder how often (if ever) people stop to think how these people in our "government" (speaking U.S. here, but other countries have similar issues) can even be considered to be doing their job when they are so busy looking for dirt and attack vectors on the other party or the president.

You see instead of looking for GOOD parts of bills and proposals and accentuating the GOOD parts and in working combining those good parts into a whole making something useful for the country, what do they do?

They look for anything they can ATTACK. The good doesn't matter.

The Democrats are actually happy with the Tax Bill at the moment. They have discovered what I have seen some of them refer to as a "weapon" they can use in the proposed tax bill.

It was reading that and seeing the reference to WEAPON that made me really think about this.

It seems they are more interested in fighting a war and burning down anything they have to than they are doing their job. If our government is to last my advice to ALL of you regardless of party is to stop voting for people more interested in infighting than their job. We actually need to kick these PARTY OVER ALL people to the curb. If supporting either party means not doing your job, harming the nation, and accomplishing nothing that your job is actually there for then you need to go.

I really don't need to say more about this at the moment. I can say this is not just a Democrat thing. If you didn't notice the Roy Moore news of yesterday and the better part of a week was suddenly replaced on all fronts by news about Al Franken.

Have you wondered why? Well, that is because since yesterday the vast majority of the claims against Roy Moore have been found to be fabrications, and/or have major issues which they don't want corroborated. So those claims no longer seem to be valid. Al Franken to the rescue. Though the Al Franken issues seem much more legit and have images and other supporting RECENT evidence.

The interesting thing is the attack on Roy Moore most people don't think originated from the Democrats. That was more likely originated from the establishment GOP members such as Mitch McConnell. Why? He beat Luther Strange in the primary though the GOP dumped millions into Strange's campaign.

The establishment needs to go. We seriously need term limits rather than career politicians.

There are people that can do the job. They are outnumbered by "establishment" career sentator/congressmen. If they seem more interested in party and not doing the job then they need to go.


Good post ! People choose politics as
A career not for development country or country's people

Do we truly need government

Unfortunately there is this thing called a power vacuum(not Kirby,rainbows,or hoovers)...
Parent,Chief,ect.. people are herd animals.
Most need someone to tell them what to do...or lead the way.
hence the f4f... lol....

actually people are NOT herd animals.
it's more like a pack.
the parameters are
with the mean typically being 152...
within those parameters it works a lot better than when exceeded.

Semantics.. Pack/herd.. social ...
Thanks for not Biting my head off.

ptui!...I got only the hair..
when's the last time you washed it?

Anything but lanolin..
guess I better talk to the farmers wife...

I wasn't going to say anything about the crickets.
but since you mentioned farming..

Crickets? no I grow worms .. use my dead followers as compost...

Agree on term limits...Change them like dirty diapers and the same reason!

I think many people are looking at this the wrong way. I am happy if everyone in government is too focused on a war between parties doing their job. As far as I'm concerned, usually when these politicians "do their job" something bad happens. Anything to keep them occupied and not passing policies is good. Of course the deep political divide is not good for any nation, but as long as it means nothing is getting done, it's good.

Hahaha... there is something to be said for that. Yet what if there are already bad things they started before they started their bickering and stalemate? That isn't going to get addressed if they are busy throwing tantrums and slinging mud at each other.

@escapingculture Don't blame me, I voted Green. Upvoted. Will follow. Kindly pay me a visit and follow me.

I voted 3rd party in most cases. Though for me it is Libertarian when I have a choice.

I refuse to vote for any Rep./Dem. candidate . period!
Now If we could get the Majority that do not vote,to register and vote for non Rep./Dem. candidates we might have a chance of beating the 35%ish that support the two party bird...
Long overdue for a house cleaning party!

I know many Libertarians will often fight from within the Rep party simply due to how shut out of politics all third party options are in the U.S.

We need people , not parties.. Seem's as soon as you align yourself w/ a party you become a corp. target. stereotyped and boxed for mass consumption... you are a libtard,ect... No I am a free THINKING human!!! We are truly a lazy species for the most part.. why most choose not to vote rather than try and fix the problem... truly sad.
Thinking of a Smartass party! Maybe we can teach the Dumbass parties a thing or two..
Doubtful because they would probably see it as a Rep. front w/out doing any homework...
I enjoy our exchanges ,thank you for humoring me!

We need people who are motivated by the topic of politics rather than their income. The problem is the motivation that people are having once they enter politics.
Many are flattered by the potential benefits, which makes them forget everything about values and long term targets.

There is a saying that parties are trying to implement their policies in the first two years they are in power while the last two years a spend preparing to the next elections.

That is a big problem that modern democracies have not been able to solve, politicians are only politicians and their goal is to get power at any cost, it does not matter if you have to divide the country into two pieces to obtain power. That is why dictatorships like those of Hitler, Stalin or Mussolini manage to project more strength, because they keep the country united in a single group.

It is a structural problem of the system, since it is a democracy of parties, and the goal of these is to demarcate society in different groups to fight for power, unlike other democracies such as the Athenian, where there was no neither government nor opposition, there were no political parties.

Perhaps the best that an individual can do to avoid the problem is to vote for tertiary parties and leave aside the typical bipartisanship.

I wouldn't say that is the best. Not at least in the U.S. I voted third (tertiary) parties myself. Yet our system is rigged so those parties don't get into debates, don't get coverage, and have very little chance of successfully attaining a position. This means many of the people that identify with those third parties have moved to working from inside of the two parties. This has had some success. The key is identifying these people who are there to do their job rather than push the party.

What happens is that many people are still in the Republican-Democratic dispute, if the discontent increases enough tertiary parties will take enough force.

Gary Johnson, for example, was quite famous in the last election, and many people voted for Hillary-Trump even supporting Johnson's libertarian measures. If discontent with the traditional political class increases, alternative political parties grow in turn.

Sometimes the best thing is not to win the elections, but to be a group large enough to have a greater margin of growth.

I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 and 2012.

Perfect, he had a growth of almost 300% in 4 years, if discontent with the political class continues he can take that number to much higher figures.

Politicians don't give a damn about helping people or our country. Their only goal is to put more money in their pocket. Working together doesn't accomplish this. Trying to grab more power and influence to increase the amount of bribes they profit from does. The good people that could do the job are shut out by the major parties because they are not on the take. Term limits could help and you are right, we seriously need them.

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