By request - my rant on Hillary - crazy vote choice

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

I spend quite a bit of time on slack debating with friends. One of them there @kidsysco has been
telling me that I should post about Hillary here.

There is so much that could be said about Hillary Clinton. I'm going to try to stick to some points.

First, before I get started. I am not endorsing and telling you to vote for Trump. If I could tell
you who to vote for I'd be telling you one of three things.

  1. Don't bother.
  2. Vote for Gary Johnson for the Libertarian party. At least he has a 100% record in business and
    politics... check out my other post
  3. Write in the name of some random woman from the street. I am all for a woman being elected. I believe
    a random woman from the streets would be a safer gamble than Hillary.

So before I REALLY dig into Hillary. Let's talk about some simple facts.

Trump at this point has no political history. People are terrified of the WORDS coming out of his mouth.
I can understand, they are pretty controversial. Then they are speculating on what MIGHT happen if Trump
is elected. Then their fear continues to drive them and they turn speculation and MIGHT into fact. This
is false. I don't think any of us know what Trump will actually do. Politicians say things all the time
when running for president and then don't do them. I'll admit I voted for Obama in 2008. I learned a
painful lesson from it. The things Obama said that convinced me to vote for him he proceeded to do 100%
the opposite. In fact, I believe he continued Bush policies and even extended many of them. I see no
practical difference between Obama and Bush other than time, skin color, and Obama is substantially more
intelligent when he speaks.

So people anti-Trump are worried about what MIGHT happen based upon WORDS.

I find Hillary Clinton to be perhaps one of the most corrupt politicians in history. This is not based
upon what MIGHT happen and not based upon WORDS. It is based upon actual ACTIONS and what has happened
while she is in positions of power. This goes all the way back as far as Watergate and Richard Nixon.

People could write MANY books on what Hillary and Bill Clinton have done while they have had power.
I have no complaints with them related to who they slept with and fidelity in their marriage. I've always
stated that is none of my business and is between Bill and Hillary. So my fear and dislike of them does
not derrive from the circus that happened around Monica Lewinsky. I could care less about that. Many/Most
presidents have had mistresses. Some have even kept them in the White House.

I am going to try to be very BRIEF on a lot of the issues with Hillary Clinton but I will try to link to
other things so you can dig further if you like.

Hillary was on the Watergate Scandal Commission for the wirestapping that got Richard Nixon impeeched
even though it is nothing like today. At one point as she was an attorney on the investigation there was a
case that set precendent. Hillary is documented as checking out those documents and taking them to a private
location (sound familiar). When the case came up they stated there was no precedent. Of course the documents
were no longer available so this seemed accurate. A number of prominent people that were part of that
commission are on record for speaking about how unethical Hillary was and that she was a chronic liar.
THIS is the earliest thing I am aware of.
This URBAN MYTHS site describes a lot of that but doesn't actually find it to by a myth:

There truly is just SO MUCH out there. She is so corrupt you can just dig and dig and dig.

There are also a lot of people that had died just before they were going to testify against her or Bill. Some of them were not testifying but were investigating them. Such things as saying a guy died from an ulcer, yet he had been decapitated or that it was a suicide when it involved multiple gunshots. This last has happened several times.

I recommend this old documentary called "The Clinton Murders" it is old so it is not even current. It mostly focuses on Bill but it does touch upon Hillary as well.

If you want to see how deep this is just go to youtube and type in Clinton Murders as the search term. You will see a vast number of videos. NUMBER does not mean reality, but as you watch them (I've watched a few) they each touch upon other details.

I am going to stop here... with the videos... I could keep going for a long time. Why would any sane person consider such a person should be given the powers of the Presidency?



So some people... myself included believe Hillary was chosen as president before this election cycle even began. Trump is actually a blessing for her because so many people think they should vote for Hillary because the things trump SAYS scare them. They should be worried about the things Hillary has DONE. What is truly more important, what a person says, or what the actually do?

Is Trump a plant to make Hillary win, or is he legit? All I know is if someone less controversial were running against Hillary I doubt she'd stand a chance because both her and Trump are very disliked. Someone more reasonable is running (Gary Johnson - Libertarian Party) but the media an establishment will try to keep you from even considering a third party.

As to Hillary being tapped for president before the process even began:

Hillary and Bill attended the Bilderberg meeting in 2013:

That last is just one of numerous references to Bilderberg deciding that Hillary would be president.

I've known of that. So when I see the crazy stuff she is getting away with it tends to lend credence to that. Do you think it is right that your elections are not actually elections? Smoke and Mirrors, The Illusion of Choice.


My prediction is that Hillary wins. It will be one of those last minute shuffles which leaves a lot of questions as to how she did it.

I agree, I think if Hillary wins, all we're doing is continuing the last 12 years on the same path for the next 4 years.. unchanged.

I added a little more to my Original Post inspired by you. Thought I'd let you know in case you missed it. Thanks for the inspiration.

I agree. I posted this story but I also saw the writing on the wall that Hillary had been tapped for president even before this election cycle began. Then as things that should prevent her from being president kept getting shoved aside, and as she got away with shenanigans against Bernie in some of the earlier states it became more and more obvious.

Also I am not sure if Trump is legit or he is a plant. He is a blessing for Hillary. I think if people were not afraid of Trump she'd stand no choice. So was that the plan all along? I have no clue... reaches for tinfoil faraday cage hat but if it was it seems to be working well. If someone obvious other than Trump was running against her would people vote for her. So many people consider voting for her because the WORDS from out of Trump's mouth scare them. I ask myself why they are not more concerned about her and the ACTIONS that she his done. I think the actual ACTIONS are far more important than WORDS.

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