Brandon Tatum is Angry: He has some words for the New Orleans Saints : "I'm So Mad Right Now - Marcus McNeil" [Transcribed by me]

in #politics7 years ago

I've shared videos of Brandon Tatum before as I believe he is well spoken. This is the first time I've seen him clearly very angry (aka pissed off). Though what he says is important. Some people have expressed that they don't have time to watch videos and prefer to read. I can relate. I am generally this way as well. For this reason I am going to take the time to transcribe this video. I believe it is worth the effort, though he says quite a bit so it will take me awhile. I did not know about this event until Brandon spoke about it. This isn't the type of news they like to emphasize so I may add some images and other relevant information in this post after I have transcribed it.

NOPD officer Marcus McNeil used stun gun before his accused killer fatally shot him: warrant

Fans boo kneeling New Orleans Saints players during tribute to fallen NOPD office

Here is the video:

[Begin Transcription]

Alright, I'm gonna get right into this.
Cuz I'm mad right now. I'm mad. I'm hurt. I'm Angry.
I mean I literally feel like fighting somebody right now.

And let me tell you why.

And I'm going to make this quick because my battery on my phone is about to die.

But, I couldn't, I couldn't go to sleep without saying this right now.

I couldn't go to sleep because this makes me so dogone mad.

That, I, I, I, I'm struggling with controlling my emotions on this one.

So, a young man, my age, this boys my age 29 year old man, out of New Orleans P.D., Marcus McNeil got murdered.




Let me tell you a little bit about him. From, from what I read and the information I have.

First of all he died, he ain't comin' home, left behind a wife and two kids, a 2 year old, and a 5 year old. Daddy ain't never coming home.

his wife said that all he wanted to do... He joined the police department because he wanted to serve and protect his community that's riddled with crimes, criminal activity, and poverty.

This young man three years on the department go out into the community to protect and serve and get murdered.

That's the price you pay when you serve and protect.

But he got murdered for no dogone reason.

And this is what ticks me off to the point of no return. Is that the honor this boy at a New Orleans Saints game and they take a knee in his memorial.

Y'all, this is why have no respect for those dogone football players.

How dare you take a knee on this boy's memorial!

And let me tell you who killed this young man. Let me tell you who killed this young man.

A black man. A black man killed him. A felon, plead guilty to Marijuana Charges, Robbery, and felony possession of firearms.

There's your gun control go right there. There your gun control go.

They get out nearly at midnight and check on a suspicious person which I've done a hundred times. Get out of the car and this coward shoot down this young man.

And these dogone football players had the nerve to disrespect this boy's memorial.

Let me tell you how stupid these people are.

You've got a thug going around doing nothing with his life, doing nothing but committing crimes, guns down another young black man. This man. This was a kid.

Gunned him down, and left his kids without a daddy. He was a good father.

Let me tell you what else he did for the community of New Orleans. This is the reports that I've read. That he assisted with reading, he helped out in the community. This man was a part of an investigation that lead to the arrest of other police officers that were acting a nut.

This is what, they want somebody that is going to stand up? He stood up!

They want a young brother that want to make a difference in the community? He made a difference!

They want somebody that's going to stand up to police injustice and police doing stupid stuff? This boy did that!

And he died at the hands of a thug!

And these social justice warriors, I don't do nothin' in the off season, I'm not doin' nothing but running my mouth and taking a knee, is going to sit down in this boy's memorial!

Do you know the last four or five police officers that have died in New Orleans were black?!

Where are these people at?

You care about Black Lives Matter? No you a coward! I don't respect not one of you football players!

You a coward!

Y'all jokes!

You're a joke! A dogone coward!

You got the nerve to take a knee on this boy's thing. You need to stand up and do somethin'! Instead of taking a knee, you coward!

I'll tell you to your face you're a coward!

I don't even know what you're taking a knee for. You talk about injustice? You talk about black lives? This boy lost his dogone life! Trying to do the right thing. To another dumb black person who want to go out there and commit crimes.

Took this boy away from his dogone family. Where's your support? New Orleans Saints should be putting 50 million dollars together to take care of this boy's family for life. I tell you what. When I get the opportunity, I find out how to donate, I'm donating to these people.

These kids don't have a dad anymore. Cuz their dad had enough you know what to go out there and protect the community you cowards are afraid to protect.

Y'all won't take a foot in New Orleans! You sitting in your penthouse, riding your nice cars, and this boy is out there every day fighting crime so y'all fools can be safe, and you ain't going to respect this boy's death.

I don't give a care if you meant to or not. Y'all did took it too far. This boy deserves respect. This young brother is dead.

And you got the nerve to say you care about black people.

Man you protesting America!

You protesting first responders.

You're protesting the very thing that you claim to represent.

That young man with three years on the department 29 years old will be a better man than you guys will ever be.

You are a coward!

You have never put on a uniform, you ain't ever risked your life for your own community.

You ain't done nothing.

Going off reading books in the off season because they make you. Go out, put a vest on, and put your life on the line for your own community. You won't do that because you're a coward.

Hey look, I don't care about calling you out. I don't care about calling you out. You want to see me, I'm a man. Boys getting a paycheck, I'm a man.

I don't care about your attitudes.

Disrespect that boy like that.

I'll never respect the NFL again. I'll never respect the NFL again. Y'all just doubling down on my hatred towards the NFL.

You guys are cowards playing with a pigskin ball, getting concussions, and y'all are idiots.

Y'all done got my blood pressure up.

I'm so mad right now. That you would have the audacity to disrespect that boy's memorial.

Y'all should be at that boy's house right now. I don't know if New Orleans Saints been at his house but I guarantee you dogone well they should be at his house.

They should be asking his wife "What can we do for them young black kids that ain't got no daddy". This is the problem in the black community. Brothers killing each other. Not the police. Brothers killing each other.

That boy need to spend the rest of his life in prison. He need to get the death penalty. Sign me up, I'll hit the electric chair for you. He need to be dead. That man ain't got no business murdering somebody like that for no dogone reason. What is his excuse?

Because he want to be a thug? He ain't even supposed to have firearms. Black people don't even care about each other.

And you get mad and think somebody else is supposed to help you with oppression when you'll kill another brother and y'all won't even stand up for the brother.

Y'all would be out here protesting if that black brother would have shot him. But y'all won't say a single word when this man got killed.

This is what's wrong with our community today! This is why nobody respects us. This is why we still live in poverty.

Because y'all fools sitting there telling young men that they should be oppressed.

You should give them some leadership!

Get off your stupid knee and give these boys leadership!

Give me an opportunity to go to these schools, I'll tell them for you! You can make your money, I'll drive down there for free! Teach these young men responsibility!

Teach them to respect law enforcement. And you got your own out there and he died and y'all don't even care about that boy.

Now what make you think these other young brothers are going to go out there and risk their life?

Y'all don't even support the boy.

Serving his community. Every day. While you living in your penthouse, playing pigskin, throwing a ball to each other. That boy is out there in the community while you sleep, he workin'.

Ah man, I'm mad man.

I'm mad man.

I couldn't even imagine what that loss feel like to that 5 year old kid, and that 2 year old.

Daddy ain't coming home no more. What does his wife feel like?

Your hero ain't coming home no more. Your protector ain't coming home no more.

He lost the battle tonight.

Just imagine telling his wife that that man ain't coming home no more.

And you got these players taking a knee and taking it for granted.

Alright, I'm done man. I had to express that. I want this boy to get the closure and respect that he deserves.

Because you cowards ain't going to say nothin' about it.

So I'm going to say something about it.

I'm going to give this boy some respect.

I would put my life on the line for that boy. I wouldn't disrespect his memorial, I would die for that young man.

That man would have died for any one of you fools on that football field.

And you can't even stand up for ten seconds to show this boy some respect.

You a coward man.

Y'all the problem with this country.

Every single one of you fools taking a knee is a problem.

I don't care if you didn't mean it or not. You took a knee and you disrespected this boy's family.

You disrespected yourself!

I feel like fighting man.

These are fighting words.

You don't do people like that.

I had to read this, a couple articles for myself to make sure I was hearing this right. They booed em'. They booed these fools.

Don't ever come... don't let me say something I might regret.

You NFL players I swear to God. I swear to God. You better get your crap together. You better get your dogone crap together. God is my witness, if I was New Orleans Police Department I would never work another New Orleans football game ever. Escort, nothing! Y'all better hire private security because I'll be dogone if I'm going to send my officers out there and y'all fools can't even respect a dead man.

Ok, I'm done. Sorry for yelling.

I'm hot right now.

I'm hot right now.

I know what it's like to put on that badge.

I know what it's like everyday to go out there leaving your family behind, hoping to God that you come home.

I know what it's like to almost not come home.

And you go out again, and you go out again, and you suck it up.

All of that, all of that, all of that, in you when you seeing dead people in the roadway, you suck it up, and you come back.

Because nobody else going to do this but you.

Nobody else going to put that boy in a body bag but you.

Nobody else going to tell his mom and them that he ain't coming home but you.

You suck it up. You don't care about what's going on in your life. You go to work every day and you speak life into these people.

When they spit in your face, you speak life into them.

You give them all the life that you have in you, you give it to them.

Whether they deserve it or not.

You giving them a life. And they disrespect you when you pass, because of some social justice heroism.

All over a lie.

I know what it is like to fear dying.

I know what it is like to want to walk away from this career because my mom and them worried about me.

They don't want me to die.

They love me.

These fools ain't ever gonna do nothin' right.

That dude Bridges ain't never tried to live right (not sure on this line - assume the killer - will get articles after done transcribing)

He don't deserve to be protected and served.

But we swore to do it anyway.

We put our hand up and swear to do it regardless, even if it's fools like him that is going to shoot another brother for no dogone reason.

You should be ashamed of yourself. If you watch this video, if you playin' in the NFL, if you took a knee on that day you should be ashamed of your dogone self.

If you're still taking a knee in the NFL you need to be ashamed of yourself, you a sucka!

I'll call you out. You a sucka!

and if you want to see me, you can see me.

You a sucka!

Every single one of y'all a sucka!

Have some pride in yourself, stand your dogone butt up and represent this country.

If you don't like it, leave. Since the police beating people up so bad, why don't you take your butt and go join the police department? No why you ain't? Because you're a coward.

You're a coward!

Look in the mirror and tell yourself, you're a coward.

You won't never do that job. That job will never pay you enough to do that.

But this boy did it.

He did it, because he care.

Not because they paying him millions of dollars. They probably paying that joke 21 dollars an hour. You make his salary every game.

He did it, because he really care about his community.

I did it, because I cared about people.

I'm done man, y'all done made me mad.

Explain yourself.

Look in the mirror and explain yourself.

I'm getting out of here before I go off and say something I regret.

Share this video, I want these cowards to see what I have to say about them. And if they ain't gotta watch it somebody give me a platform and I'm gonna tell it to their face.

You a coward!

No coming back.

Shut the whole NFL down.

I hope president Trump cut all them taxes.

And I hope every police department in the country disbands protecting that facility.

If you want to be ignorant enough to go in there by yourself with no protection, that's on you. That's between you and that owner.

Police officers should not ever again support an NFL game.

Hire your own security.

Let them rent a cops come out there and protect you.

Let's see how the rent a cops do it.

I'm outta here...

[End Transcription]

Here are some other good Brandon Tatum videos

Being a Black Conservative

The NFL is full of crap!

They're still kneeling?! I will never watch an NFL game again!

Now I have had enough - Why The Flag Means So Much To Americans


He should be angry! He should be angry because the MSM takes the side of the cowards (both the NFL cowards & the cowards that ambush police officers). This has come to to the point where there is nothing positive coming out of professional sports (most at least- hockey is still ok).

Such a Comprehensive and amazing post & video sharing. Bundle of thanks.

A little off topic; but the NFL is addressed

interesting reading material; I'll be working a post on it, but I thought you'd be interetsed in this guy's take

nice view man.
thanks for sharing with us......

I am linking to your post. I love #InformationWar and I follow Brandon Tatum. Thanks for this report.

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Real Talk!

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